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VL/HCC 2020
Tue 11 - Fri 14 August 2020 Dunedin, New Zealand
Thu 13 Aug 2020 06:23 - 06:30 at Zoom Room - Support for Collaboration Chair(s): Daniel Rough

The increasing need for programming tasks performed by non-programmers has resulted in various end-user development tools. In this context, visual programming is currently the prevalent paradigm. However, comprehensive collaboration facilities are missing, although necessary, especially in the domains such as teaching and learning. In this paper, we present an integrated workspace supporting collaborative visual programming. Our system allows end-users to easily cooperate on shared visual programming projects. Peer roles, access and edit privileges for project items are supported. Additional features include: personal project items, toggling live syncing during editing, viewing peer action history, and enabling local execution without disrupting the collaboration session. Finally, use case scenarios and the conduct of a preliminary evaluation process are discussed.

Thu 13 Aug

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

06:15 - 06:45
Support for CollaborationResearch Papers at Zoom Room
Chair(s): Daniel Rough University College Dublin
Visualizing Progress Tracking for Software Teams on Large Collaborative Touch DisplaysShort paper
Research Papers
Brandon Scott-Hill Victoria University of Wellington, Craig Anslow Victoria University of Wellington, Martin Kropp University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Magdalena Mateescu University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Andreas Meier Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Jennifer Ferreira Victoria University of Wellington
Authorizer link File Attached
Collaborative Visual Programming Workspace for BlocklyShort paper
Research Papers
Yannis Valsamakis Institute of Computer Science (FORTH), Anthony Savidis Institute of Computer Science (FORTH) and University of Crete, Manos Agapakis University of Crete, Alex Katsarakis University of Crete
Authorizer link
Bashon: A Hybrid Crowd-Machine Workflow for Shell Command SynthesisFull paper
Research Papers
Yan Chen University of Michigan, Jaylin Herskovitz University of Michigan, Walter Lasecki University of Michigan, Steve Oney University of Michigan
Authorizer link