ICPC 2025
Sun 27 - Mon 28 April 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2025
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Results (352)

ANDRÉ, Maxime
Namur Digital Institute, University of NamurBelgium
Armenti, Carmen
Software Institute - USI, LuganoSwitzerland
Balogh, Gergő
Department of Software Engineering, University of SzegedHungary
Businge, John
University of Antwerp; Flanders Make; University of Nevada at Las VegasBelgium
Cai, Yi
School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, ChinaChina
Casillo, Francesco
Università di SalernoItaly
Chen, Haixin
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chen, Songqiang
The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyChina
Cockx, Jesper
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Decker, Michael J.
Bowling Green State University
Dufloer, Rémi
Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
Etien, Anne
Université de Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 –CRIStALFrance
Giagnorio, Alessandro
Software Institute @ Università della Svizzera italianaSwitzerland
Godfrey, Michael W.
University of Waterloo, CanadaCanada
Griswold, William G.
University of California San DiegoUnited States
Grünbacher, Simon
Institute for System Software; Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Guo, Wunan
School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyChina
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël
Concordia University and Polytechnique MontréalCanada
Horváth, Botond
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Huang, Hailin
South China University of Technology
Jbara, Ahmad
School of Computer Science, Netanya Academic College & Faculty of Data Science, TechnionIsrael
Juhošová, Sára
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Kashiwa, Yutaro
Nara Institute of Science and TechnologyJapan
Kim, Kisub
Singapore Management University, SingaporeSingapore
Kumar, Jahnavi
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, IndiaIndia
Lan, Peng
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, ChinaChina
Lee, Seonah
Gyeongsang National UniversitySouth Korea
Li, Weijia
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Li, Ying
School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China
Martin-Lopez, Alberto
Software Institute - USI, LuganoSwitzerland
Midolo, Alessandro
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania
Nader Palacio, David
William & MaryUnited States
Nugroho, Yusuf Sulistyo
Universitas Muhammadiyah SurakartaIndonesia
Petrillo, Fabio
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Montréal -- Université du QuébecCanada
Porkoláb, Zoltán
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Qian, Yongjie
Department of Computer Science, North China Electric Power University, Bao ding
Sandoval Alcocer, Juan Pablo
Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileChile
Sang, Baihui
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
Sayar, Imen
Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
Scaliante Wiese, Igor
Federal University of Technology – Paraná - UTFPRBrazil
Shah, Anshul
University of California, San DiegoUnited States
She, Dongdong
HKUST (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)Hong Kong SAR China
Shi, Haichao
Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Spinellis, Diomidis
Athens University of Economics and Business & Delft University of TechnologyGreece
Stol, Klaas-Jan
Lero; University College Cork; SINTEF Digital Ireland
Szalay, Richárd
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Programming Languages and CompilersHungary
Tomson, Elena
University of California, San DiegoUnited States
Tong, Yuchen
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Velasco, Alejandro
William & MaryUnited States
Wang, Peng
Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wang, Xinyu
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
wu, fuzhang
Chinese Academy of Science Institute of SoftwareChina
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang university
Xu, Wenwu
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and School of Cyberspace Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yao, Junliang
Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yu, Siyu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen)
Yu, Tianchen
School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology
Zampieri, Marcos
George mason UniversityUnited States
Zhang, Xiao-Yu
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science
Zhang, Zhang
Key Laboratory of Software Engineering for Complex Systems, National University of Defense TechnologyChina
Zhao, Chen
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhou, Daihong
School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Shanghai Institute of TechnologyChina
Zhou, Guoqiao
Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences