FSE 2025
Mon 23 - Fri 27 June 2025 Trondheim, Norway
Amiangshu Bosu

Registered user since Tue 9 Apr 2019

Name:Amiangshu Bosu

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University. Prior to joining WSU, I was a tenure-track assistant professor at SIU Carbondale (2016-2018). I completed my Ph.D. dissertation work at University of Alabama in 2015 under the supervision of Professor Jeffrey Carver and conducted postdoctoral research under the guidance of Dr. Danfeng Yao at Virginia Tech. My general research interests lie in the area of software engineering. My research spans peer code review, software security, android security, blockchain software development, malware detection, cybersecurity, mining software repositories, empirical software engineering, and social network analysis.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Wayne State University
Personal website: https://amiangshu.com
Research interests:Empirical Software Engineering, Code Reviews, Sentiment analysis, Diversity and inclusion


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