* ICSE 2018 * (series) / Kunal Banerjee

Registered user since Wed 14 Mar 2018
Name:Kunal Banerjee
Kunal Banerjee is currently a Research Scientist at Intel’s Parallel Computing Lab in Bangalore, India. He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. He has been a recipient of Senior Research Fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology, India, and TCS Research Fellowship from Tata Consultancy Services for supporting his doctoral studies. He received Best PhD Thesis Award at the conference VLSI Design 2018 and also received Techno Inventor Award (PhD) 2017 from India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA). His publications have also won best paper awards at conferences, such as ISVLSI and I-CARE.
Personal website: https://kunalbanerjee.github.io/
Research interests:Program Analysis, Formal Verification, Parallel Programming, High-performance Computing
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