* ICSE 2018 * (series) / Muhammad Khan

Registered user since Fri 6 Apr 2018
Name:Muhammad Khan
In April 2017, I finished my Ph.D. in mathematics at the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Calgary. I held an array of prestigious scholarships, including Vanier, Killam and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures Scholarships, during my doctoral studies. As of September 2017, I am an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada.
Most of my research is of interdisciplinary nature - combining one or more of convex geometry, discrete and computational geometry, graph theory, combinatorics, optimization algorithms, software engineering and blockchain technology.
Affiliation:University of Lethbridge
Personal website: http://directory.uleth.ca/users/ma.khan
Research interests:Software engineering, blockchain, optimization, computational geometry, graph theory
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* ICSE 2018 *-profile
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