Registered user since Wed 23 May 2018
I obtained my engineering degree at the École nationale supérieure de l’électronique et de ses applications (Cergy-Pontoise, France) in 2011. Since then, I started a research career in the context of the use of Model-Driven Development (MDE) techniques for the development of real-time embedded systems and interactive systems. I did my PhD at the CEA (the French Atomic Energy Commission) in Grenoble (France) between 2011 and 2014. My research interest was the formalization of an end-to-end engineering method for embedded system design.
In 2015, I pursued my research in MDE at the Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory (LIG) where I developped an innovative modelling environment for the development of HCIs for interactive systems.
Since 2016, I am postdoctoral fellow at School of Computing, Queen’s University (Kingston ON, Canada) and conduct researches in the context of real-time and embedded system development. The main focus of my research is run-time analyses. I mostly work on run-time observability, animation, and debugging of systems stressed in their physical environments. Other research interests include formal verification, model simulation, and the definition of a new semantics for state chart models.
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