* ICSE 2018 * (series) / Patrick Koch

Registered user since Tue 29 May 2018
Name:Patrick Koch
Patrick Koch is a PhD candidate at Klagenfurt University where he currently works in the project “Debugging of Spreadsheets”. He received the Graduate degree in Software Development and Business Management from the Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 2016. In his Master’s thesis “Smelly Spreadsheet Structures: Structural Analysis of Spreadsheets to enhance Smell Detection” he focused on structure analysis for spreadsheets.
Affiliation:Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Personal website: http://spreadsheets.ist.tugraz.at/
Research interests:Spreadsheet QA, Static Analysis, Machine Learning
* ICSE 2018 *-profile
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