* ICSE 2018 * (series) / Sofija Hotomski

Registered user since Tue 15 May 2018
Name:Sofija Hotomski
I received my MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Faculty of Technical Sciences in 2011. During my bachelor and master studies I was a scholar in Schneider Electric DMS NS. After my studies I have worked for Schneider Electric DMS NS for three years: first as a software engineer and later as a SCADA subject-matter expert. I have been a member of the Requirements Engineering Research Group at the Department of Informatics since April 2015.
Affiliation:IFI, University of Zurich
Personal website: http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/en/rerg/people/hotomski.html
Research interests:Requirements engineering, acceptance testing, automated update of software documents
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