* ICSE 2018 * (series) / Thomas Leich

Registered user since Tue 22 May 2018
Name:Thomas Leich
Thomas Leich received his diploma in Business Information Systems and his PhD from the University of Magdeburg in 2004 and 2012, respec- tively. Since 2013 he is general manager of the METOP GmbH. Since 2014 Thomas Leich is professor at the chair of Business Information Systems at Harz University of Applied Sciences. His research interests include requirements and software product-line engineering as well as measurement of program comprehension and data management.
Affiliation:Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Personal website: https://www.hs-harz.de/tleich/
Research interests:software engineering, product lines, configurable systems, human factor in software engineering, data management
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