Registered user since Mon 22 Jan 2018
Dietmar Winkler is senior researcher at the Vienna University of Technology as member of the research group for Information and Software Engineering at the Institute for Information and Systems Engineering. He studied computer science at the TU Vienna with emphasis on Software Engineering, Quality Management and Engineering process improvement and received a PhD in computer science in 2015. From 2010-2017 he worked as key researcher for Quality Assurance and Engineering Process improvement in the Christian Doppler Laboratory “Software Engineering Integration for Flexible Automation Systems” at TU Wien. In 2016 he worked as senior researcher at SBA Research. In 2008 he received a scholarship (by Siemens Austria and the Faculty of Informatics, TU Vienna) for a 4 months research stay at the Fraunhofer Institute of Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern (DE). In 2007 he worked as a guest researcher at Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ).
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