XP 2025
Mon 2 - Thu 5 June 2025 Brugg - Windisch, Switzerland
Luciana Zaina

Registered user since Thu 7 Apr 2022

Name:Luciana Zaina

Luciana Zaina is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computing of the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. Her expertise is in empirical studies in both HCI and Software Engineering areas. She has been coordinating R&D&I (Research, Development and Innovation) projects sponsored by Brazilian agencies (FAPESP, CNPq and FUNDEP) and by the software industry in Brazil. Her current research interests include user experience design, software startups, information visualization, empirical software engineering, and human aspects of software engineering.

Affiliation:Federal University of São Carlos
Research interests:user experience, agile practices, human aspects of software engineering, software startups, information visualization


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