XP 2025
Mon 2 - Thu 5 June 2025 Brugg , Switzerland

Call for Submissions


We invite proposals for engaging and novel sessions oriented toward practitioners based on your own experience and practice from working in the industry.

Topics of Interest

Topics can include, but are not limited to, collaboration practices, coaching, engineering, leadership, sustainability, communication, and learning.

Please excite and surprise us.


The submission should contain the following information:

  • Title: catchy, intriguing, and meaningful
  • Session length: 30, 60, 90mins, half-day (3.5h), or full-day (7h)
  • Session style: lecture, interactive, demo, workshop
  • Abstract: Explain the general topic and highlight the session’s concepts.
  • Learning outcomes: 1-3 reasons why a participant should choose this particular session and what would be the lessons learned
  • Process/Mechanics: rough agenda for the session, room set-up
  • Target Audience (e.g. developers, managers, …)
  • Prerequisites required of attendees (e.g. basic knowledge in, familiarity with, laptop, …)
  • Short biography of the speaker(s)
  • Any additional information that helps decide on your submission


Submissions will only be accepted via the conference submission system Easychair.

Submit here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=xp2025

People submitting a proposal will be expected to review and provide feedback on at least 3 other proposals, which will be assigned as part of the review process.

Proposals are evaluated on these criteria:

  • Grounded in the proposers’ experiences
  • Fit with the conference theme
  • Innovative value
  • Clarity and practicality
  • Engaging and involving
  • Feasibility of the session’s structure

Based on review comments and with the objective of creating a great conference program final selections will be made by the program committee.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the track chairs.

Track Chairs

  • Jutta Eckstein, xp2025 (at) jeckstein.com
  • Maryse Meinen, maryse.meinen (at) gmail.com