XP 2025
Mon 2 - Thu 5 June 2025 Brugg - Windisch, Switzerland

Call for submission

The academic track welcomes researchers and studies in methods and practices of software development, especially those around the main theme of XP 2025 on “Adapt - Uncovering better ways to deliver valuable software products”.

Topics of Interest

We invite research papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:

Leadership and Culture

  • Leadership and coaching
  • Human aspects, morale, values, ethics, and beliefs
  • Diversity & Inclusion in Agile

Business Agility

  • Business and enterprise agility
  • Business and startups
  • Software startups
  • Global software development and offshoring
  • Large-scale agile organizations

Data-driven Agility and Transformations

  • Measurement and metrics for projects, processes, software, and teams
  • Qualitative/quantitative improvement techniques
  • Tools and techniques for Agile and Lean development


  • Agile Architectures
  • Test-driven Development, Pair Programming, and Refactoring
  • Development and operations (DevOps)
  • Testing, release management, and deployment
  • Continuous engineering and automation
  • Engineering and management

Product and Design

  • Requirements gathering
  • Product management

Education and Training

  • Teaching experiences
  • Empirical studies with students

Emerging Topics

  • Hybrid approaches to Agile software development
  • Agility for regulated AI systems
  • Agile ML Engineering
  • Agile for safety-critical systems
  • Sustainability for teams, products, development, business models, and management
  • Games and game-based techniques

Studies and Evaluations

  • Foundations and conceptual studies
  • Systematic literature reviews and rapid reviews
  • Empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
  • Experiments and quasi-experiments
  • Cross- and multi-disciplinary methods and studies
  • Case studies, action research, ethnography, and field studies

Submissions based on empirical studies conducted under industry-academia collaboration are especially encouraged, sharing data/artifacts (anonymized and curated) to increase reproducibility, but not mandatory for submission or acceptance.


We invite submissions of unpublished high-quality research papers, both full papers (max. 15 pages) and short papers (max. 8 pages), related to Agile software development.

  • Full papers should present completed research that addresses a research problem and document the details and results of a study.
  • Short papers are expected to communicate emerging research results and/or trends that have the potential to be further developed.

Papers may also present a vision on a given topic that addresses long-term challenges and opportunities that are thoroughly justified or related to prior literature.

We welcome submissions addressing topics across the full spectrum of Agile software development, broadly on Agile, and on issues of concern to researchers or practitioners (or both).

Submit here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=xp2025


All submissions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference proceedings template (for LaTeX and Word), available here.

Review Criteria

The XP 2025 main conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) as Open Access.
Submissions will be screened on rigor and relevance and then evaluated by at least three program committee members based on soundness, significance, novelty, verifiability, and presentation quality.


Contact our track chairs

  • Ademar Aguiar, Universidade do Porto (email)
  • Craig Anslow, Victoria University of Wellington (email)