XP 2025
Mon 2 - Thu 5 June 2025 Brugg - Windisch, Switzerland

Call for submission

This track provides a venue to discuss all aspects of teaching and learning concerning agile software development.

Topics of Interest

Learning is core to the agile philosophy as we aim for continuous improvement, and many of us in the community find ourselves involved in teaching in various forms from day to day—whether that be acting as a coach for a development team, influencing as a manager, running training courses, or teaching the students who will become the next generation of professionals.

  • How can we teach agile concepts effectively?
    Either to students in formal learning environments, or to practitioners on the ground; and how can we apply our knowledge of agile and lean in developing these learning experiences?

  • How can we optimize for learning?
    Individually, as a team, as someone designing a development organization, or as someone creating a learning experience.

We would like a mix of short talks, interactive sessions, and discussions. We want to learn from your experiences and to develop new ideas. From university professors to industrial coaches to learning organizations—please propose topics and sessions to push forward the state of practice.


Submit electronically via the EasyChair submission system:
Submit here by the defined deadlines.

We look forward to a mix of formats, not just presentations and experience reports, but discussions (perhaps a goldfish bowl / park bench), practical workshop sessions with outputs, facilitated exercises, hands-on sessions, games, etc.—be creative!

Your session proposal should contain (at least) the following information:

  • Title
  • Abstract: Explain the general topic and highlight areas the session will cover
  • Proposed Length of Session: 15 or 30 mins for presentations, 30 / 60 / 90 mins for interactive sessions
  • Learning outcomes: 1-3 reasons why a participant should come to this session and what the lessons learned might be
  • Session style: Experience report, demo, facilitated discussion, hands-on, game, etc.
  • Outline of presentation/session: For interactive sessions, how will it run?
  • Prerequisites required of attendees: E.g., basic knowledge in…, familiarity with…, etc.
  • Level: Introductory, practicing, expert
  • Short biography of the presenter(s)
  • Any additional information for the program committee that helps decide on your submission

For successful submissions, we will also use this information for an online description of the program, but you will have the opportunity to revise your session description (if you wish) to address attendees rather than the program committee before the program goes online.


Please submit your proposal as a PDF up to 2 A4 pages in length.

Review Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on these criteria:

  • Relevance to educators
  • Relevance to practitioners
  • Likelihood of starting a discussion
  • Likelihood of presenting/generating actionable takeaways
  • Being something interesting and new, not something boring and established


Contact our track chairs