| 09:00 - 18:00 | |
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| Talk | | Poster T1: An Efficient Approach for Verifying Automobile Distributed Application Systems on Timing Property * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T2: Conway: Law or Not? * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T3: Adoption of the Visual Brainstorming Technique in the Open Source Software Development Process * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T4: A General Framework to Detect Behavioral Design Patterns * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T5: Subsuming Mutation Operators * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T6: Detecting Missing Checks for Identifying Insufficient Attack Protections * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T7: How Do Community Smells Influence Code Smells? * ICSE * Posters Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster T8: Communication in Open-Source Projects--End of the E-mail Era? * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T9: Predicting components for issue reports using deep learning with information retrieval * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T10: OreoCF: Towards Accurate and Scalable Detection of Semantic Clones * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T11: Understanding Differences among Executions with Variational Traces * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T12: An Experimental Analysis of Fault Detection Capabilities of Covering Array Constructors * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T13: Are Information Retrieval-based Bug Localization Techniques Trustworthy? * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T14: Accelerating Counterexample Detection in Software Model Checking * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T15: A Novel Variable-centric Fault Localization Technique * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T16: Android Inter-Component Communication Analysis with Intent Revision * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T17: Exploration of Academic and Industrial Evidence about Architectural Tactics and Patterns in Microservices * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T18: FreeDA: Deploying Incompatible Stock Dynamic Analyses in Production via Multi-Version Execution * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T19: Automatically Solving NP-Complete Problems on a Quantum Computer * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T20: Guiding Developers to Make Informative Commenting Decisions in Source Code * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T21: Making Well-Informed Software Design Decisions * ICSE * Posters Link to publication DOI Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster T22: Runtime Verification of Memory Safety via Source Transformation * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T23: Synthesizing Relation-Aware Entity Transformation by Examples * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T24: Testing Heap-Based Programs with Java StarFinder * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T25: Automatically Answering API-Related Questions * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T26: Exploring Uncertainty in GitHub OSS Projects * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T27: Systematic Top-down Design of Cyber-physical Models with Integrated Validation and Formal Verification * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T28: On Vulnerability Evolution in Android Apps * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T29: UMLx: a UML Diagram Analytic Tool for Software Management Decisions * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T30: Benchmarking cross-project defect prediction approaches with cost metrics * ICSE * Posters |
| Poster | | Poster T31: Unit Tests and Component Tests do Make a Difference on Fault Localisation Effectiveness * ICSE * Posters Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster T32: Recommending Exception Handling Patterns with ExAssist * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T33: ALPACA: Advanced Linguistic Pattern and Concept Analysis Framework for Software Engineering Corpora * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T34: Combining STPA and BDD for Safety Analysis and Verification in Agile Development * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T35: When Pair Programming is most helpful: Explaining session dynamics from knowledge gaps * ICSE * Posters |
| Poster | | Poster T36: Machine-Learning-Based Code Smell Detection through WekaNose * ICSE * Posters Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster T37: Knowledge-enriched Security and Privacy Threat Modeling * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T38: CrossEcore: An Extendible Framework to Use Ecore and OCL across Platforms * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T39: Semantically Enhanced Tag Recommendation for Software CQAs via Deep Learning * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T40: QoS-aware Service Composition using Blockchain-based Smart Contract * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T41: An Automated and Instant Discovery of Concrete Repairs for Model Inconsistencies * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T42: Knowledge Transfer from Research to Industry: A Survey on Program Comprehension * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T43: MOBS: Multi-Operator Observation-Based Slicing using Lexical Approximation of Program Dependence * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T44: On Extracting Relevant and Complex Variability Information from Software Descriptions with Pattern Structures * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T45: CUTER: ClUstering-based TEst suite Reduction * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T46: The Effect of Noise on Requirements Comprehension * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T47: Incremental UML for Agile Development: An Introduction * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T48: An Algorithm and Tool to Infer Practical Postconditions * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T49: Designing Bug Detection Rules for Fewer False Alarms * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T50: Automated User Reviews Analyser * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T51: A Recommender System for Developer Onboarding * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T52: Automated Test Script Repair for Mobile Applications * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T53: Obfuscating Program Control Flow with Intel SGX * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T54: Benchmarking Microservice Systems for Software Engineering Research * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T55: Bridging Effort-Aware Prediction and Strong Classification - a Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction Study * ICSE * Posters File Attached |
| Talk | | Poster T56: Model-Based Adaptation to Extreme Physical Environments: A Case Study on Mixed-Criticality Industrial Ethernet * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T57: Efficient and Deterministic Replay for Web-enabled Android Apps * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T58: A Parallel Framework for Ab Initio Transcript-Clustering * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T59: Sources of Satisfaction in Agile Software Development * ICSE * Posters |
| Talk | | Poster T60: Which Similarity Metric to Use for Software Documents? A Study on Information Retrieval-Based Software Engineering Tasks * ICSE * Posters |