For visa letters, you can let attendees who have selected yes on that question this blurb from ACM during the registration. International registrants should be particularly aware and careful about visa requirements, and should plan travel well in advance. All visa support inquiries must be handled by ACM headquarters. Please send your request for a letter in support of a visa application to the Office of SIG Services at ACM headquarters.
Your request must include:
- Name and address as it appears on your passport
- Residence address and a ship-to address if different
- The name of the conference you wish to attend
- Registration confirmation number
- If you are the author of any papers accepted for the conference, please provide title of paper(s)
- Current mailing address
If your paper was accepted conditionally and you need a visa letter, please register now and request the visa letter to avoid delays. The cancellation fee will be waived and the entire registration amount will be refunded.
To avoid any delays, please register using a credit card. Wire transfers often take a long time.