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Tue 11 Oct 2022
Wed 12 Oct 2022
Thu 13 Oct 2022
ASE Doctoral Symposium
ASE Industry Showcase
ASE Journal-first Papers
ASE Keynotes
ASE Late Breaking Results
ASE MIP Awards
ASE Plenary
ASE Research Papers
ASE Tool Demonstrations
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Tue 11 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

08:30 - 10:00
Day opening
Welcome from the Chairs
P: Julia Rubin University of British Columbia, Canada, P: Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University, Israel, G: Marouane Kessentini Oakland University, USA
Autonomous Systems: How to address the Dilemma between Autonomy and Safety
K: Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg; University of Ottawa
10:30 - 12:30
Technical Session 1 - AI for SE IResearch Papers / Industry Showcase at Ballroom C East
Chair(s): Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Industry talk
Automatic Generation of Visualizations for Machine Learning Pipelines
Industry Showcase
Lei Liu Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Wei-Peng Chen Fujitsu Research of America, Inc., Mehdi Bahrami Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Mukul Prasad Amazon Web Services
10:30 - 12:30
Technical Session 2 - Debugging and TroubleshootingResearch Papers / Industry Showcase / Late Breaking Results at Banquet A
Chair(s): Andrew Begel Carnegie Mellon University, Software and Societal Systems Department
Industry talk
Automated Identification of Security-Relevant Configuration Settings Using NLP
Industry Showcase
Patrick Stöckle Technical University of Munich (TUM), Theresa Wasserer Technical University of Munich, Bernd Grobauer Siemens AG, Alexander Pretschner TU Munich
10:30 - 12:30
Technical Session 4 - Mobile Apps IResearch Papers / NIER Track / Industry Showcase / Journal-first Papers / Tool Demonstrations at Gold A
Chair(s): Jacques Klein University of Luxembourg
Industry talk
Fastbot2: Reusable Automated Model-based GUI Testing for Android Enhanced by Reinforcement LearningVirtual
Industry Showcase
Zhengwei Lv ByteDance, Chao Peng ByteDance, China, Zhao Zhang Bytedance Network Technology, Ting Su East China Normal University, Kai Liu Bytedance, Ping Yang Bytedance Network Technology

Wed 12 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

08:00 - 09:30
Modeling bug report quality
MIP Awards
A: Pieter Hooimeijer Engineering Manager, Facebook Inc., A: Westley Weimer University of Michigan
Link to publication DOI
Towards automatically generating summary comments for Java methods
MIP Awards
A: Giriprasad Sridhara IBM Research Labs, A: Emily Hill Drew University, A: Divya Muppaneni , A: Lori Pollock University of Delaware, USA, A: K. Vijay-Shanker
Link to publication DOI
From Automating Software Engineering to Empowering Software Developers
K: Margaret-Anne Storey University of Victoria
10:00 - 12:00
Technical Session 9 - Security and Privacy Research Papers / Industry Showcase at Ballroom C East
Chair(s): Wei Yang University of Texas at Dallas
Industry talk
Finding Property Violations through Network Falsification: Challenges, Adaptations and Lessons Learned from OpenPilot
Industry Showcase
Meriel von Stein University of Virginia, Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia
10:00 - 12:00
Technical Session 10 - Testing IResearch Papers / Industry Showcase / Tool Demonstrations at Banquet A
Chair(s): Gordon Fraser University of Passau
Industry talk
MOREST: Industry Practice of Automatic RESTful API Testing
Industry Showcase
Yi Liu Nanyang Technological University, Yuekang Li Nanyang Technological University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Ruiyuan Wan , Runchao Wu Huawei Inc., Qingkun Liu Huawei Cloud Computing Technologies Co., Ltd
13:30 - 15:30
Technical Session 14 - Bug Prediction and LocalizationJournal-first Papers / Research Papers / NIER Track / Industry Showcase at Banquet A
Chair(s): David Lo Singapore Management University
Industry talk
Code Understanding Linter to Detect Variable Misuse
Industry Showcase
Yeonhee Ryou Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, Sangwoo Joh Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, Joonmo Yang Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, Sujin Kim Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, Youil Kim Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics
13:30 - 15:30
Technical Session 15 - Compilers and LanguagesJournal-first Papers / Research Papers / Industry Showcase at Banquet B
Chair(s): Lingming Zhang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Industry talk
Towards Understanding the Performance of Rust
Industry Showcase
Yuchen Zhang Stevens Institute of Technology, Yunhang Zhang The University of Utah, Georgios Portokalidis Stevens Institute of Technology, Jun Xu The University of Utah
16:00 - 18:00
Technical Session 20 - Web, Cloud, NetworkingJournal-first Papers / Late Breaking Results / Research Papers / Tool Demonstrations / Industry Showcase at Gold A
Chair(s): Karine Even-Mendoza Imperial College London
Industry talk
MCDA Framework for Edge-Aware Multi-Cloud Hybrid Architecture RecommendationVirtual
Industry Showcase
Manish Ahuja Accenture Labs, Narendranath Sukhavasi Accenture Labs, Swapnajeet Choudhury Accenture Labs, Kaushik Amar Das Accenture Labs, Kapil Singi Accenture, Kuntal Dey Accenture Labs, India, Vikrant Kaulgud Accenture Labs, India

Thu 13 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

10:00 - 12:00
Technical Session 22 - Code Summarization and RecommendationResearch Papers / NIER Track / Journal-first Papers / Industry Showcase at Banquet A
Chair(s): Houari Sahraoui Université de Montréal
Industry talk
MV-HAN: A Hybrid Attentive Networks based Multi-View Learning Model for Large-scale Contents RecommendationVirtual
Industry Showcase
Ge Fan Tencent Inc., Chaoyun Zhang Tencent Inc., Kai Wang Tencent Inc., Junyang Chen Shenzhen University
DOI Pre-print
13:30 - 15:30
Technical Session 26 - Testing IIIResearch Papers / Industry Showcase at Banquet B
Chair(s): Owolabi Legunsen Cornell University
Industry talk
WOLFFI: A fault injection platform for learning AIOps models
Industry Showcase
Frank Bagehorn IBM Research, Jesus Rios IBM Research, Saurabh Jha IBM Research, Robert Filepp IBM Research, Larisa Shwartz IBM T.J. Watson Research, Naoki Abe IBM, Xi Yang IBM Research
13:30 - 15:30
Technical Session 28 - Safety-Critical and Self-Adaptive SystemsIndustry Showcase / Tool Demonstrations / Research Papers / Late Breaking Results / NIER Track at Room 128
Chair(s): Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University
Industry talk
A Drift Handling Approach for Self-Adaptive ML Software in Scalable Industrial ProcessesVirtual
Industry Showcase
Firas Bayram Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden, Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University Sweden, Erik Hallin Uddeholms AB, Sweden, Anton Engman Uddeholms AB, Sweden
Industry talk
Design-Space Exploration for Decision-Support Software
Industry Showcase
Ate Penders Thales Research & Technology, Ana Lucia Varbanescu University of Twente, Gregor Pavlin Thales Research & Technology, Henk Sips Delft University of Technology

Accepted Papers

A Drift Handling Approach for Self-Adaptive ML Software in Scalable Industrial ProcessesVirtual
Industry Showcase
Automated Identification of Security-Relevant Configuration Settings Using NLP
Industry Showcase
Automatic Generation of Visualizations for Machine Learning Pipelines
Industry Showcase
Code Understanding Linter to Detect Variable Misuse
Industry Showcase
Design-Space Exploration for Decision-Support Software
Industry Showcase
Fastbot2: Reusable Automated Model-based GUI Testing for Android Enhanced by Reinforcement LearningVirtual
Industry Showcase
Finding Property Violations through Network Falsification: Challenges, Adaptations and Lessons Learned from OpenPilot
Industry Showcase
MCDA Framework for Edge-Aware Multi-Cloud Hybrid Architecture RecommendationVirtual
Industry Showcase
MOREST: Industry Practice of Automatic RESTful API Testing
Industry Showcase
MV-HAN: A Hybrid Attentive Networks based Multi-View Learning Model for Large-scale Contents RecommendationVirtual
Industry Showcase
DOI Pre-print
Towards Understanding the Performance of Rust
Industry Showcase
WOLFFI: A fault injection platform for learning AIOps models
Industry Showcase

Call for Papers

The ASE’22 Industry Showcase track invites industry practitioners and researchers to submit high quality submissions of innovative solutions or challenging problems in the domain of automated software engineering.

The objective of this track is to promote a dialogue between industry practitioners and researchers at the forefront of software automation practices and academic researchers who work on the theoretical and practical foundations of automated software engineering. We specifically look for submissions on the critical challenges industry faces in automated software engineering, innovative solutions built to address these challenges and the lessons learnt from applying automated software engineering at scale.

This track seeks submissions in all areas of automated software engineering.

Accepted industry showcase papers will be published in the ASE 2022 proceedings.


We are seeking the following types of submissions, all of which must be written exclusively in English. All submissions must be in PDF format and conform, at time of submission, to the ACM Proceedings Template; and should be submitted using HotCRP.

Submissions should prioritize impact and realism over novelty. We expect that industry track publications focus on automation, report useful tools, success stories and experiences for applying automated software engineering theory and methodologies into practice, or highlight practical challenges. Submissions should ideally be evaluated on real-world, industrial data or compared to pre-existing industrial best practices.

Marketing or public relations material for tools or products is not solicited.

Short papers (5 pages): Each paper should describe an important industry-relevant problem and discuss how automated software engineering solutions have been applied to address it in an industrial context. Discussions on the innovation, cost savings and productivity improvements brought by the solution, and important lessons learned should also be discussed if appropriate. Papers submitted to this category must not exceed 5 pages (including figures and references).

Authors of accepted short papers will be invited to present their work. Accepted short papers will appear in the ASE 2022 proceedings.

Extended Abstracts (2 pages): The abstract must include the following: title; authors’ full names and affiliations; text; and any figures, tables, or diagrams. The abstract must discuss:

  • the problem;

  • the approach proposed by the authors; and

  • the key results.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work as lightning talks. Each abstract will be published in the ASE 2022 proceedings.

Accepted Papers

After acceptance, the list of paper authors can not be changed under any circumstances and the list of authors on camera-ready papers must be identical to those on submitted papers. After acceptance paper titles can not be changed except by permission of the Track Chairs, and only then when referees recommended a change for clarity or accuracy with paper content.


All submissions will be reviewed by members of the ASE Industry Showcase Committee. Submissions must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated based on the practicality to industry, originality, significance of contributions, and quality of presentation and discussion to related work.

Submissions will not undergo double-blind reviews, i.e. it is not necessary for authors to hide their identities in their submissions.

Please note, that the author list can not be changed after a submission has been accepted for publication. The submission title may be changed after acceptance, however only with the permission of the track chairs and on recommendation of a submission’s referees.
