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Tue 11 Oct

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08:30 - 10:00
Day opening
Welcome from the Chairs
P: Julia Rubin University of British Columbia, Canada, P: Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University, Israel, G: Marouane Kessentini Oakland University, USA
Autonomous Systems: How to address the Dilemma between Autonomy and Safety
K: Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg; University of Ottawa
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee BreakSocial at Ballroom A
Coffee break
Coffee Break

12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:30
Poster Session (for judges only)Student Research Competition at Ballroom A
Poster Session (for judges only)
Student Research Competition

15:30 - 16:00
ASTOR: An Approach to Identify Security Code Reviews
Student Research Competition
Rajshakhar Paul Wayne State University
‘Who built this crap?’ Developing a Software Engineering Domain Specific Toxicity Detector
Student Research Competition
Jaydeb Sarker Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University
Automatically Fixing Breaking Changes of Data Science Libraries
Student Research Competition
Hailie Mitchell Carnegie Mellon University
Execution Path Detection through Dynamic Analysis in Black-Box Testing Environments
Student Research Competition
Frank Whitworth Wake Forest University
Automatic Software Timing Attack Evaluation & Mitigation on Clear Hardware Assumption
Student Research Competition
Prabuddha Chakraborty University of Florida
Automatically Tagging the “AAA" Pattern in Unit Test Cases Using Machine Learning Models
Student Research Competition
Chenhao Wei Stevens Institute of Technology, Lu Xiao Stevens Institute of Technology, Tingting Yu University of Cincinnati, Xinyu Chen HSBC Software Development (Guangdong) Limited, Xiao Wang Stevens Institute of Technology, Sunny Wong Envestnet, Abigail Clune AGI
A Unified Specification Mining Framework for Smart Contracts
Student Research Competition
Ye Liu Nanyang Technological University
Identifying Sexism and Misogyny in Pull Request Comments
Student Research Competition
Sayma Sultana Wayne State University
Detecting Inconsistencies in If-Condition-Raise Statements
Student Research Competition
Islem BOUZENIA Software Lab, University of Stuttgart
Software Evolution Management with Differential Facts
Student Research Competition
Xiuheng Wu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
RESTCluster: Automated Crash Clustering for RESTful API
Student Research Competition
Yi Liu Nanyang Technological University
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee BreakSocial at Ballroom A
Coffee break
Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:45
Judges Meeting
Student Research Competition

17:00 - 21:00
Conference Banquet & Award Announcements Social at Meadow Brook Hall
Conference Banquet & Award Announcements

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions below.

  • I am a PhD student. Am I eligible to participate in the SRC?
    • Yes. As a PhD student, you will compete in the Graduate category of the competition.
  • What criteria will be used to evaluate the poster and conference presentations?
    • The judges will assess the poster presentations using the following criteria: Oral presentation, Visual presentation, Research methods, and Significance of contribution. For the conference presentation, the evaluation criteria are Knowledge of research area, Contribution of research, and Presentation.
  • My research is not related to software engineering or any of the main themes of the ASE conference. Can I still participate in the Student Research Competition?
    • Yes, but not at ASE. To participate in the competition at ASE, your research needs to be related to the main themes of the ASE conference (see the topics for the main conference track). If your research is not among the topics relevant for ASE, please check the list of [current SRC calls](https://src.acm.org/submissions) to find a conference that is better related.
  • Does my extended abstract get published in the proceedings?
    • It depends if you are interested to publish your extended abstract. We will shortlist a list of accepted extended abstracts and the interested authors can submit their camera-ready before the camera-ready deadline to be able to publish their research. Or you can just decide to participate in the competition without publishing your research.

Call for Papers

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers undergraduate and graduate students a unique forum to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes at ASE 2022. The ASE SRC consists of a research abstract submission and a presentation competition during the conference. The winners of the competition at the ASE conference will get prizes and the first-place winners will be invited to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals to compete with winners from SRC held at other conferences during the calendar year.


  • To participate in the Student Research Competition (SRC), you must be an undergraduate or graduate student pursuing an academic degree at the time of initial submission.
  • If you are considering submitting your existing work to SRC which has accepted or is currently under review in other venues or other tracks, we encourage you to add some novel parts other than the existing content to be considered in the competition.
  • Supervisors of the work may not be listed as co-authors; for the competition, you should submit a single-authored version of your work.

How to Participate: Submit a Research Abstract

To participate in the competition, you should submit an extended research abstract related to the main ASE themes. The extended research abstract should discuss:

  • abstract
  • research problem and motivation for the work
  • background and related work
  • approach and uniqueness
  • results and contributions
The extended abstract must not exceed 2 pages, including all text, appendices, and figures. An additional third page is permitted only if it contains only references

The submission must be written in English and must be submitted as a PDF file that follows the ACM format https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. You as the submitter and author must be a student member of the ACM, and must provide your current ACM member number.

You must submit your SRC research abstract electronically using the submission page: https://ase22src.hotcrp.com/. The review process is single-blind, i.e., the author names are visible to the reviewers.

The SRC committee members will review the submissions and select students to participate in the competition. Submissions that are accepted to the competition will be published in the ASE conference proceedings.

Competition: Presentation

If you are selected to participate in the competition, you will be invited to give a short presentation of your research to a panel of judges, which will take place at ASE 2022. You will present a poster describing your work to conference attendees and leading experts in the Software Engineering field, including the SRC committee. Judges will review the posters and discuss the research with participants. After each presentation, there will be a brief question-and-answer session. The judges will evaluate the novelty and significance of your research, and the quality of your presentation, including your poster and the discussion around it. Your evaluation will be based on your knowledge of your research area, the contribution of your research, and the quality of your oral and visual presentation.


The top three winners in each category (undergraduate and graduate) will be recognized during the conference and will receive prizes of:

1st Place
2nd Place US$ 500
US$ 300 3rd Place
US$ 200

SRC Grand Finals

The first-place winners of the ASE SRC are invited to compete with winners from other conferences in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals. A separate panel of judges will evaluate all SRC Grand Final participants via the Web. Three undergraduate and three graduate students will be chosen as the SRC Grand Finals winners.

Accepted Papers

After acceptance, the list of paper authors can not be changed under any circumstances and the list of authors on camera-ready papers must be identical to those on submitted papers. After acceptance paper titles can not be changed except by permission of the Track Chairs, and only then when referees recommended a change for clarity or accuracy with paper content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please access this link.

Additional Information

For additional information, consult the ACM Student Research Competition website or the Track Chairs.
