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ECOOP and ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with

Getting to the Shengen Area

The Netherlands is part of the Shengen Area. Consult the following pages from the Dutch government about visas for the Shengen area:

Getting a visa support letter

If you require a visa support letter, please consult the appropriate section below. If you are attending both ECOOP and ISSTA, please select one (but not both) of the options below. Those requesting a letter should allow 7-10 business days to receive it. All requests are handled in the order they are received.

Warning: Make sure to apply for the visa support well on time..

ISSTA Attendees

The ACM does not issue formal invitation letters for visas to attend ISSTA. They can, however, issue a visa support letter. For visa support letters, please send all requests to the Office of SIG Services with the following information:

  • Name (as it appears on your passport) and mailing address.
  • The name of the conference you wish to attend (ISSTA).
  • Your registration confirmation number.
  • Authors may indicate their paper title. Speakers can provide the title of their talk.
  • Include a fax number or email address of where letter can be sent.

See the ACM Visa Support Letters page for updates to this policy.

ECOOP Attendees

For visa support letters, please send all requests to Tijs van der Storm, Local Organizing Co-Chair, with the following information:

  • Name (as it appears on your passport) and mailing address.
  • The name of the conference you wish to attend (ECOOP).
  • Your registration confirmation number.
  • Authors may indicate their paper title. Speakers can provide the title of their talk.
  • Include a fax number or email address of where letter can be sent.