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ECOOP and ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Post-conference comment by Celeste HollenbeckThu 16 Aug 2018

The ECOOP summer school gave me an opportunity to meet face-to-face with Simon Peyton Jones at Microsoft Research. That discussion ended with a project idea that would involve improving Haskell’s inlining decisions with neural networks—my description of a dream project—and an offer to serve …

Goodbye ECOOP, ISSTA and Curry On! by Boas KluivingFri 10 Aug 2018

After a week of compelling talks, research presentations and interesting people, the conference has now come to an end. This being the first research conference for me, everything was quite a surprise to me at first. Overall, I really enjoyed the conference and learned many new things from it. …

ISSTA post-conference blog by Yingying WangFri 3 Aug 2018

It is exciting getting together with other student volunteers from all around the world, chatting about the research and life. Experiencing different types of shifts is educational and allowed me to understand how a conference is organized and served. I appreciate the detailed and timely daily …

ISSTA: Post-conference post by Lina QiuThu 2 Aug 2018

Hi everyone, this is Lina Qiu. I attended the ISSTA conference this year, and was also a student volunteer for the conference. I enjoyed the conference a lot, and learned many things. First, I am so touched by people’s passions about doing researches in the community, no matter who they are. …

Goodbye ISSTA/ECOOP 2018! by Donato ClunWed 1 Aug 2018

I’m Donato Clun, PhD student in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. Currently my research is focused on the automatic characterization of software bugs, to aid the developers during the debug process. ISSTA is certainly one of the most relevant conferences for my research, …

Post ISSTA/ECOOP 2018 blog by August Wang ShiWed 1 Aug 2018

I very much enjoyed attending ISSTA/ECOOP this year. I gave my talk on “Evaluating Test-Suite Reduction in Real Software Evolution” on the first day (hopefully I taught everyone something interesting about test-suite reduction), and then after that, I was able to just enjoy the conference. …

Getting Back from ECOOP 2018 by Daniel PelsmaekerWed 1 Aug 2018

Looking back at the conference, I know that I want to visit more conferences in the future. It was a great way to meet new people and learn about all the interesting research. Next to the talks and workshops, the poster presentations gave a good overview of the research being done, and the …

After conference blog post by Nikita ZyuzinWed 1 Aug 2018

I spent an amazing week in Amsterdam on ECOOP/ISSTA/CurryOn. One of the most notable events for me was the summer school where I got introduced to a number of brilliant established researchers, as well as fantastic students starting their way in science.

The summer school lectures covered a …

SV at ECOOP 2018: Blog post by Isaac OteyoWed 1 Aug 2018

Volunteering at ECOOP conference is one of the best decisions I have made in 2018. I had a wonderful experience meeting and interacting with the experts in the field. The conversations I had with the other volunteers were rejuvenating and made me feel being part of a bigger community in the …

Post-conference blog post by Ellen ArtecaWed 1 Aug 2018

This was my first time attending any of ECOOP, ISSTA, or Curry On, and it was a great experience. The first 2 days all of my student volunteer shifts were all at Curry On, so I got to attend all of the morning talks, which were very interesting. Out of the Curry On talks that I did attend, the …

Farewell Amsterdam by Alexi TurcotteWed 1 Aug 2018

This was my first ECOOP/ISSTA/Curry On, and I really enjoyed the experience! The summer school was fun, I especially liked Anders’ introductory talk on static analysis and also Amal’s talk on compiler verification. I also particularly enjoyed the Types, Runtime Systems, and Formal Calculi …

ECOOP/ISSTA Blog by Haiyang SunWed 1 Aug 2018

My name is Haiyang Sun and I’m a Ph.D. candidate at Università Svizzera Italiana (University of Lugano), Switzerland. My main research interests include program languages and dynamic program analysis. My recent research is about dynamic analysis for JavaScript. I have developed “NodeProf”, a …

Post-Conference Blog Post by David TomassiWed 1 Aug 2018

The conference was exciting, memorable, and exhausting. It was the first conference I have ever been to and It was nothing like I expected it would be! The first day of the summer school, Sunday, when Simon Peyton Jones gave a lecture was incredibly insightful on both his journey and the …

Post-conference blog post by Xuan BiWed 1 Aug 2018

It was a memorable one-week experience as a student volunteer and attendee for ECOOP/ISSTA. My shifts were in the first two days, and my first shift was to help with the registration. There were 3 lines for people to register, and I was supposed to help with one of the experienced student …

Having visited ISSTA - Blog post by Manuel BenzWed 1 Aug 2018

One week after the ISSTA/ECOOP conference I look back at it as a very cool, valuable but also exhausting event. I am quite happy to be back home again in my own, well-tempered and comfortable bed :). Nonetheless, the conference was a really great experience. I met people from all around the …

7 tricks for attending ISSTA/ECOOP that will change your life! A review by Ifaz KabirWed 1 Aug 2018

ISSTA/ECOOP was a blast! I had an amazing time at the summer school as well as the conference. It was really helpful to talk to mentors at the summers school and learn about the inner workings of academic life, conferences, and publications. The summer school lectures were also helpful …

Post conference blog post by Kelly Shiptoski Wed 1 Aug 2018

This was my first time as a student volunteer at a conference, and I really enjoyed the experience, and plan to do it many times in the future. This experience made me really appreciate how much work and organization goes into a conference. I never realized how many students and other …

Blog post by Mohammadreza AshouriWed 1 Aug 2018

My name is Mohammadreza Ashouri and I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Software Security at the University of Potsdam, Germany. I am particularly attracted to dynamic taint analysis in programs.

ECOOP / ISSTA2018 in Amsterdam was my first time that I have the honor to be present at this …

After ISSTA 2018 by Lechen YuWed 1 Aug 2018

I am Lechen Yu, a third-year PhD student at Georgia Tech. I attended the ISSTA summer school from July 16th to July 21st. During the summer school, the lecturers comprehensively introduced to us multiple key techniques in software testing such as symbolic execution, static program analysis, and …

ECOOP 2018 post conference blog by Benjamin ChungWed 1 Aug 2018

As always, ECOOP’s been a truly fantastic experience, but the real highlight of the conference for me was having the opportunity to help the community as a whole. Over the last few years, I’ve been working on a project to provide a common framework for gradual type systems, addressing a key …

After attending ECOOP/ISSTA 2018 by Marco RadavelliWed 1 Aug 2018

Looking back at my experience at ECOOP/ISSTA, after coming back to Bergamo, Italy, I have to say it has been a productive experience. I came back with more energy. In fact - attending different talks, some about different aspects of works I was doing - gave me the impression that research - …

After ISSTA/ECOOP 2018Tue 31 Jul 2018

Being this my first research conference ever, I had no comparison point and have only good things to say, so I hope this motivates new and different students to attend.

The experience was amazing, being a student volunteer I got to meet so many people and learn how the conference works from …

Farewell ECOOP 2018, Hello ECOOP 2019!Fri 27 Jul 2018

The main objective of my visit to the ECOOP/ISSTA/CurryOn event is the organization of 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning techniques for Programming Languages (ML4PL). The workshop consisted of one invited talk and 6 regular talks. Below I summarize the findings I found most …

Leaving ECOOP 2018Mon 23 Jul 2018

<< Pre-conference Post

Going into my first academic conference, I had little idea or expectation about what it was going to be like. I had signed up for literally everything I could sign up for - Student …

Pre ECOOP/ISSTA 2018 blog by Jaekwon LeeWed 18 Jul 2018

My name is Jaekwon Lee, a first-year PhD student at the University of Luxembourg. I have done some researches in Software Engineering. Now I’m studying model testing.

Unfortunately, although I couldn’t get an opportunity to be a student volunteer cause on my schedule, I’m glad to attend …

Blogpost by Benoît DuhouxTue 17 Jul 2018

Hi everyone, I’m Benoît Duhoux, PhD student at Université catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium). I started to learn computer science during my bachelor in business computing. I continued my studies with a preparatory year for the master in computer science at UCL. Then I finished this master …

A Blog by Yanlin WangTue 17 Jul 2018

My name is Yanlin Wang, I am in my final (4th) year of my PhD study in the University of Hong Kong. It’s a great thing to be a student volunteer in ECOOP and have a chance to know other reseachers and their work. For my research, I mainly focuses on Object-Oriented programming and modulairty. …

First short post for ISSTA by Lina QiuMon 16 Jul 2018

My name is Lina Qiu, and I am a Master student from the University of British Columbia. I did my bachelor’s study at China, focusing on information security. During my Master’s study, I mainly worked on two research projects, focusing on mobile security and usable security. The first project is …

Pre-conference Blog by Mohammadreza AshouriMon 16 Jul 2018

My name is Mohammadreza Ashouri and I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Software Security at the University of Potsdam, Germany. I have done some researches in Computer Security and Software Engineering. I am particularly intrigued in using Taint Analysis to discover security vulnerabilities …

SV blogpost #1 by Artem Pelenitsyn Mon 16 Jul 2018

My name is Artem Pelenitsyn, the correct spelling of the first name is Artyom (Cyrillic: Артём), but I prefer not to fight with bureaucracy. I’m currently a research assistant at Czech Technical University in Prague, but starting the PhD studies at …

Pre-conference self-intro by Yingying WangMon 16 Jul 2018

My name is Yingying Wang, I am a master student studying computer engineering under the supervision of Prof. Julia Rubin at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

My research is in the software engineering area in the general sense. I am specifically interested in Android …

Blog post before conference by Bhargav ShivkumarMon 16 Jul 2018

Hi everyone! I’m Bhargav Shivkumar and I’m pursuing my PhD from the University at Buffalo, USA. My research interests lie in the cross section of programming languages and real-time systems. I would like to explore the adaptability of functional programming languages in the real-time systems …

Blog post for ECOOP/ISSTA by Julia Belyakova Mon 16 Jul 2018

I am a research assistant in Czech Technical University in Prague. Presently I work on formalization of subtyping for Julia, object-oriented programming language for scientific computing. I am also interested in compiler construction, functional programming, theorem proving, and software …

Pre-conference Blog post by Sangeeth KochantharaSun 15 Jul 2018

My name is Sangeeth Kochanthara. I am a second year PhD scholar in computer science at TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands. My broader research interests are in program analysis and runtime monitoring. Particularly, I work on the synthesis of runtime safety monitors for autonomous driving vehicles.

Blog Post pre-conference by Artem GorokhovSun 15 Jul 2018

Hello! My name is Artem Gorokhov and I do not like to write research papers. Really, I know how it is important but aghhh… Anyway, I am a first year master’s student at the Saint Petersburg State University, Russia and my current master’s research is around new applications of parsing and …

Road to ECOOP by Julian HaasSun 15 Jul 2018

My name is Julian Haas and I’m a Computer Science student currently pursuing his Master’s Degree at TU Darmstadt, Germany. I am also a student research assistant at the Software Technology Group at TU Darmstadt where we work on reactive programming languages.

A few weeks ago my supervisor …

ECOOP/ISSTA Blog Post by David TomassiSat 14 Jul 2018

I am David Tomassi from University of California, Davis in the United States of America. I recently graduated with my Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering from University of California, Davis and will be starting my PhD for Computer Science in the Fall. I have done research in …

Blog post by Kelly ShiptoskiSat 14 Jul 2018

My name is Kelly Shiptoski, and I am starting my second year of the PhD program for Computer Science at the University of Pennsylvania. My advisor is Dr. Joseph Deviettil. I graduated from Drexel University in 2017 with Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. My research …

ECOOP/ISSTA pre-conference blog post by Felix SchülerSat 14 Jul 2018

I am a Master’s student in Computer Science at the TU Berlin and am currently writing my master’s thesis on extending a tensor algebra compiler with some optimizations and making it more generic.

My Bachelor’s degree was in Cognitive Science and I was always interested in data analysis and …

Pre-conference blog post by Di ZhongSat 14 Jul 2018

My name is Di Zhong, and I just finished the first year of my PhD program in Northeastern University, at Boston, United States. I’m working with Frank Tip, on building debugging tools for asynchronous JavaScript, and making users’ experience when programming with JavaScript smoother.

I’m …

ECOOP Blog Post! by Alexi TurcotteSat 14 Jul 2018

Hey! I’m Alexi Turcotte, and I’m currently finishing up a Master’s at the University of Waterloo, in Canada. In the Fall, I’ll be starting a PhD at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, USA.

I find that I’ve mostly erred on the more theoretical PL research, and indeed the focus of my Master’s …

Pre-conference blog post for ECOOP/ISSTA 2018 by Ellen ArtecaSat 14 Jul 2018

Hi! I’m Ellen Arteca, and I’m currently finishing up my Masters at the University of Waterloo, in Canada. In the fall, I’ll be starting my PhD at Northeastern University, in the USA.

During my Masters, I’ve been mainly working on the more theoretical side of PL; I’ve been formalizing semantics …

Pre ECOOP/ISSTA 2018 blog by August ShiSat 14 Jul 2018

My name is August Shi. I am a PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My advisor is Darko Marinov and we work in the area of software testing. More specifically, I am interested in the subject of regression testing and how to improve the regression testing process, in …

Student Volunteer Pre-Conference Blog Post by Iason Papapanagiotakis BousySat 14 Jul 2018

My name is Iason Papapanagiotakis and I am a first-year software engineering PhD student at University College London. Before that I completed an Information Security Master’s degree from UCL and my Computer Science Bachelor in the University of Athens. I speak fluently Greek, French and …

ECOOP/ISSTA/CurryOn 2018 Pre-conference blog by Anil KoyuncuSat 14 Jul 2018


I am Anil Koyuncu. I am a second year Phd student at University of Luxembourg. My research is aiming to boost the acceptability of automated repair. My main focus is on systematically and empirically exploring the current practice of repair, identifying suitable targets and fine-tuning …

Post for the conference blog by Nikita ZyuzinSat 14 Jul 2018

My name is Nikita Zyuzin and I am a Masters student at Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. I am generally interested in programming languages, and in particular in type theory, category theory, logic, and their relation to PL. Currently I am working on a Coq/HOL4 …

Pre-conference blog post by Anton GolovFri 13 Jul 2018

Hi! My name is Anton Golov and I’m a mathematics student at Utrecht University, but I’m just as interested in computer science, and doubly so in the intersection of the two. In particular, I’m interested in type theory, category theory, and categorical models of type theory; in programming …

Pre-conference blog for ECOOP/ISSTA by Boas KluivingFri 13 Jul 2018

Hi, my name is Boas Kluiving. I have just finished my Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the Netherlands. During my undergraduate studies, I carried out multiple research projects in term rewriting and static analysis. Next …

Before attending the conference by Marco RadavelliFri 13 Jul 2018

My name is Marco, and I am about to complete the second year of PhD in software engineering at University of Bergamo, in Italy. Here I work with Angelo Gargantini, on combinatorial testing and on evolution of configurable systems. My ongoing PhD thesis is related to the integration between …

Pre-conference blog by Gabriel GarciaFri 13 Jul 2018

My name is Gabriel Garcia. I very recently completed a 5-year Software Engineering degree at UPSA in Bolivia and am currently employed by Eventbrite in Mendoza, Argentina. I have a huge crush on programming language design and implementation since before starting university, and I hope someday …

ISSTA blog post by Thierry Titcheu C.Fri 13 Jul 2018

I am Thierry, PhD candidate at the university of Luxembourg. My research covers the area of automated software testing, more precisely mutation testing. Prior to my doctoral studies, I completed a bachelor degree in computer science and a masters degree in software engineering (cloud storage).

Visiting ISSTA by Manuel BenzFri 13 Jul 2018

My name is Manuel Benz and I am a second year Ph.D. candidate at Paderborn University, Germany. My main research interests are static and dynamic program analysis and, foremost, how we can combine them to mitigate the drawbacks of each other. Thereby, I focus on detecting Android security …

Blog Post pre-conference by Fabian Mosso ChavezFri 13 Jul 2018

I am Fabian Mosso, currently I am finishing my Master at the “Universidad de Chile”, Chile. And I am not sure yet if I want to pursue a PhD or sell my soul to the industry.
 Since my younger days, as an undergraduate student, I show interest in how we can be sure that programs do what are …

Before ISSTA 2018 by Lechen YuThu 12 Jul 2018

I am Lechen Yu, a third-year PhD student at Georgia Tech, working with Prof. Vivek Sarkar. My research interests are program analysis and testing for applications in high performance computing (HPC) area. I already accomplished some work related to concurrency bug detection for HPC …

Attending ECOOP 2018Wed 11 Jul 2018

Post-conference Post >>

My name is Kumseok Jung and I am a first year master’s student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. During my time in the …

Getting Ready for ECOOP 2018 by Daniel PelsmaekerWed 11 Jul 2018

My name is Daniel Pelsmaeker, and I just started as a first-year PhD student at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Here I work with Eelco Visser and his team on the Spoofax Language Workbench and everything related to programming language design, implementation, and formal …

Before ISSTA 2018Wed 11 Jul 2018

My name is Diego and I am 23 years old. I am a graduating undergrad and soon to be Masters of Software Engineering student at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. This will be my first time attending to, and also presenting at, research …

ECOOP 2018 - Before the conferenceMon 9 Jul 2018

I am Gowtham Kaki, a Ph.D candidate at Purdue University, USA. I am excited to present my paper on Safe Transferable Regions at ECOOP this year! The paper highlights the performance problems created by language-level …

Pre-conference blog post for ISSTA/ECOOP 2018 by Ifaz KabirMon 9 Jul 2018

I am Ifaz and I am currently finishing up my Masters at the University of Waterloo, Canada. In the coming Fall, I will be starting my PhD at the University of Alberta, Canada. Like everyone else writing the pre-conference blog post for ECOOP and ISSTA I am obligated to express an interest in …

ECOOP post by Xuan BiMon 9 Jul 2018

My name is Xuan Bi. I am a 4th-year PhD student at the University of Hong Kong. My research interests center around programming languages, type systems and formal verification. In the past, I have worked on a JVM implementation of System F with support for full tail-call elimination. I have …

Pre-conference blog post by Luca FranceschiniWed 4 Jul 2018

I am Luca and I am halfway my PhD in computer science at the University of Genoa, Italy. I am generally interested in the programming languages area, and I have been working on type systems, verification and testing. My PhD thesis is related to runtime verification, with a focus on JavaScript …