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ECOOP and ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with

We are pleased to announce the following workshops:

  • COP 10th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming

  • BenchWork First Workshop on Reproducible Experiments and Benchmarking

  • DPA First Workshop on Declarative Program Analysis

  • FTfJP 20th Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs

  • ICOOOLPS 13th Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems Workshop

  • INTUITESTBEDS 4th Workshop on UI Test Automation & 8th Workshop on TESting Techniques for event BasED Software.

  • ISAGT Introspective Systems for Automatically Generating Tests

  • ML4PL 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Programming Languages

  • Panathon Program analysis hackathon

  • SALAD First International Workshop on SoftwAre debLoating And Delayering 

  • SOAP 7th International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis

  • TAV-CPS/IoT Testing, Analysis, and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things

  • VORTEX Runtime verification Workshop

  • WoSSCA First International Workshop on Speculative Side Channel Analysis

Call for Workshops

ECOOP and ISSTA will host a diverse offering of workshops bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experiences. Topics for workshops may include, but are not limited to, the theory, design, implementation, optimization, testing, and analysis of programs and programming languages. Workshop organizers are encouraged to take advantage of the co-location of the two conferences to broaden participation and offer topics that may be of interest to multiple communities. Workshops will run in parallel to the programs of both of the main conferences.

To submit a proposal for an ECOOP/ISSTA workshop, please complete the online application form linked to below. After submitting, you will receive an automated email confirmation of your submission and, within four weeks, a formal response notifying you if the workshop has been accepted for ECOOP/ISSTA. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis until January 31, 2018.

Link to Online Application Form

Each workshop must conform to the following schedule constraints: (1) The workshop’s website must be live within two weeks of notification of the workshop’s acceptance and include relevant information about any call for papers. (2) The paper submission date for the workshop must be at least one week after the final technical paper notification date for both main conferences, i.e. the earliest workshop submission date can be May 9th, 2018. (3) Final notification dates for paper acceptance to workshops must be at least 3 days before the early registration period ends, i.e. the latest notification date can be June 14, 2018.

Please contact the workshop co-chairs, Julian Dolby and William G.J. Halfond, if you have any questions.