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Pre-conference blog post by Luca FranceschiniWed 4 Jul 2018

I am Luca and I am halfway my PhD in computer science at the University of Genoa, Italy. I am generally interested in the programming languages area, and I have been working on type systems, verification and testing. My PhD thesis is related to runtime verification, with a focus on JavaScript and Node.js, using trace expressions as a specification formalism. So far I investigated both theoretical properties and practical implementation issues.

At ECOOP-ISSTA we are presenting a paper on the formalization of Java APIs at FTfJP (Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs) workshop, which this year has many interesting talks in program. Since it is a very preliminary work, I am confident that workshop attendees will provide useful feedback on interesting future directions for this line of work.

Furthermore, I will attend the summer school and in particular I am looking forward to know more about AI for testing, something we are planning to work on in our research group.

There are quite some co-located workshop, and beyond FTfJP I am mostly interested in VORTEX (Workshop on runtime verification for object-oriented languages) since it is very relevant for my PhD work.

Since part of my PhD work is devoted to the testing and verification of distributed and IoT systems, the workshop TAV-CPS/IoT (Workshop on Testing, Analysis, and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things) will be useful to keep myself up-to-date about the state of the art in the topic, which is changing pretty fast.

Finally, the main track of ECOOP offers many talk about type systems I am looking forward to attend.

As I did in the two previous editions of ECOOP, I will be again a student volunteer, and it will be again a great opportunity to get to know other young researchers in the area.