I am Thierry, PhD candidate at the university of Luxembourg. My research covers the area of automated software testing, more precisely mutation testing. Prior to my doctoral studies, I completed a bachelor degree in computer science and a masters degree in software engineering (cloud storage).
It is a pleasure for me to participate to the highly esteemed conferences ISSTA/ECOOP 2018 and summer school. I look forward for a time to meet many people and discuss about interesting idea and subjects related to software analysis and software testing. I found the topics for lectures at the summer school interesting and hope to learn many new concepts and techniques related to my research.
The conference program looks very packed with many activities including social activities organized by great companies.
As a student volunteer for the first time at a conference, I am trying the guess and remember all the duties attached to the job. At the same time, I am also looking forward to serve others during the conference and work with people that I never met before.
I hope for an interesting ISSTA/ECOOP conference this year.