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Before attending the conference by Marco RadavelliFri 13 Jul 2018

My name is Marco, and I am about to complete the second year of PhD in software engineering at University of Bergamo, in Italy. Here I work with Angelo Gargantini, on combinatorial testing and on evolution of configurable systems. My ongoing PhD thesis is related to the integration between software testing and artifact evolution.

I obtained the opportunity to attend the ISSTA and ECOOP 2018 conference as a student volunteer, and I look forward to learning from the various presentations on discoveries in software testing and programming, from diverse researchers from all over the world. I am also looking forward to meet some of them and discuss about their research, and hopefully obtain information about their methodology and possibly also hints for my work for the thesis.

This will be the second time for me being a student volunteer at a conference, after ICST 2017. It will not only allow me to attend the summer school, but also the conference, from which I expect to know other young researchers in the area, and to build an overview on the recent trends and the main open challenges in automating software testing and debugging.

Since part of my PhD work is devoted to applying combinatorial testing for the evolution of configurable systems, at ISSTA and ECOOP, I am particularly interested in automated testing, fault localization, and code transformation and repair. The summer school lectures, the technical papers of ISSTA and ECCOP, some Curry On talks, and the workshops SOAP and SALAD, are related to these topics, and therefore within my interest.

I thank you the organization for offering me this great opportunity to attend the summer school and the conference: I will try to do my best to make my presence profitable.