I am a research assistant in Czech Technical University in Prague. Presently I work on formalization of subtyping for Julia, object-oriented programming language for scientific computing. I am also interested in compiler construction, functional programming, theorem proving, and software engineering.
This year I am co-organizing the joint ECOOP/ISSTA Doctoral Symposium. I hope that the symposium will help the participants to better present their research, receive useful feedback, and get to know other people’s research from a different field of study. I myself would like to know more about software testing and analysis, which is not my primary research area. Fortunately, joint ECOOP/ISSTA provides an excellent opportunity for this, and I am happy to contribute and help running the conference. At ECOOP I look forward to learn about the latest research on object-oriented languages, especially type systems and language design. Last but not least, conference is a perfect venue for meeting new people and establishing scientific collaborations.