Understanding the relationship between Technical Debt, New Code Cost and Rework Cost in Open-Source Software Projects: An Empirical Study
Short Paper
Making sub-optimal design decisions during software development leads to the accumulation of Technical Debt (TD) in software projects. There are tools to identify TD Items in software code through static code analysis. However, quantifying TD to support decision-making on whether to keep taking on TD or if it is time to refactor TD is a difficult task, and proposed approaches for this still lack consensus. Prior work observed that TD Interest could be further decomposed into constituents ‘New Code Cost’ and ‘Rework Cost,’ which gives an interesting direction of research to explore TD quantification in terms of these costs. Therefore, through our experiments, we plan to explore the relationship between TD, New Code Cost, and Rework Cost in Open-Source Software Projects. This paper reports on an initial motivating experiment, our plan for future work, and implications for researchers.
EASE_23_Short_Paper_New_Code_and_Rework.pptx (EASE_23_Short_Paper_New_Code_and_Rework.pptx) | 1.57MiB |
Thu 15 JunDisplayed time zone: Athens change
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