* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Thu 31 May 2018 11:00 - 11:30 at E1/B room - Static analysis Chair(s): Anne Koziolek

Model transformations (MTs) are key in model-driven engineering as they automate model manipulation. Their early verification is essential because a bug in a MT may affect many projects using it. Still, there is a lack of analysis tools applicable to non-toy transformations developed with practical MT languages.

To alleviate this problem, this paper presents AnATLyzer: a static analysis tool for ATL MTs. The tool is able to detect a wide range of non-trivial problems in ATL transformations by using constraint solving to improve the analysis precision. It provides a live environment integrated into Eclipse which allows checking and fixing problems as the transformation is written. The environment is highly configurable and provides facilities like quick fixes, visualizations, navigation shortcuts and problem explanations. We have evaluated the tool over third-party MTs, obtaining good results.

The tool website is http://anatlyzer.github.io, and a video showcasing its features is at https://youtu.be/bFpbZht7bqY

Thu 31 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
Static analysisDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/B room
Chair(s): Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
AnATLyzer: An Advanced IDE for ATL Model Transformations
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
VisuFlow: a Debugging Environment for Static Analyses
DEMO - Demonstrations
Lisa Nguyen Quang Do Paderborn University, Stefan Krüger , Patrick Hill , Karim Ali University of Alberta, Eric Bodden Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn University and Fraunhofer IEM
Link to publication Pre-print
SQLInspect: A Static Analyzer to Inspect Database Usage in Java Applications
DEMO - Demonstrations
Csaba Nagy , Anthony Cleve University of Namur