* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Wed 30 May 2018 12:15 - 12:30 at E3 room - Security, Safety, and Quality Chair(s): Michael Whalen

Modern software projects consist of more than just code: teams follow development processes, the code runs on servers or mobile phones and produces run time logs and users talk about the software in forums like StackOverflow and Twitter and rate it on app stores. Insights stemming from the real-time analysis of combined software engineering data can help software practitioners to conduct faster decision-making. With the development of CodeFeedr, a Real-time Software Analytics Platform, we aim to make software analytics a core feedback loop for software engineering projects.

CodeFeedr’s vision entails: (1) The ability to unify archival and current software analytics data under a single query language, and (2) The feasibility to apply new techniques and methods for high-level aggregation and summarization of near real-time information on software development. In this paper, we outline three use cases where our platform is expected to have a significant impact on the quality and speed of decision making; dependency management, productivity analytics, and run-time error feedback.

Wed 30 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
Security, Safety, and QualityNIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results at E3 room
Chair(s): Michael Whalen University of Minnesota
Generative Secure Design, Defined
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Riccardo Scandariato , Jennifer Horkhoff , Robert Feldt Chalmers University of Technology
Towards Secure Dynamic Product Lines in the Cloud
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Sebastian Krieter Magdeburg University, Jacob Krüger Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Nico Weichbrodt , Vasily Sartakov , Rüdiger Kapitza Technical University of Braunschweig, Thomas Leich Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Towards Forensic-Ready Software Systems
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Liliana Pasquale University College Dublin & Lero, Ireland, Dalal Alrajeh Imperial College London, Claudia Peersman , Thein Tun , Bashar Nuseibeh The Open University (UK) & Lero (Ireland), Awais Rashid University of Bristol, UK
Measure Confidence of Assurance Cases in Safety-Critical Domains
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
A Critical Review of "A Practical Guide to Select Quality Indicators for Assessing Pareto-Based Search Algorithms in Search-Based Software Engineering": Essay on Quality Indicator Selection for SBSE
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Miqing Li University of Birmingham, UK, Tao Chen Nottingham Trent University, UK and University of Birmingham, UK, Xin Yao
Enabling Real-Time Feedback in Software Engineering
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Enrique Larios Vargas Software Improvement Group, Joseph Hejderup Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Maria Kechagia Delft University of Technology, Magiel Bruntink , Georgios Gousios TU Delft
DOI Pre-print