* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Fri 1 Jun 2018 09:00 - 09:20 at G1 room - Program Analysis II Chair(s): Christine Julien

Conflict and dependency analysis (CDA) of graph transformation has been shown to be a versatile foundation for understanding interactions in many software engineering domains, including software analysis and design, model-driven engineering, and testing. In this paper, we propose a novel static CDA technique that is multi-granular in the sense that it can detect all conflicts and dependencies on multiple granularity levels. Specifically, we provide an efficient algorithm suite for computing binary, coarse-grained, and fine-grained conflicts and dependencies: Binary granularity indicates the presence or absence of conflicts and dependencies, coarse granularity focuses on root causes for conflicts and dependencies, and fine granularity shows each conflict and dependency in full detail. Doing so, we can address specific performance and usability requirements that we identified in a literature survey of CDA usage scenarios. In an experimental evaluation, our algorithm suite computes conflicts and dependencies rapidly. Finally, we present a user study, in which the participants found our coarse-grained results more understandable than the fine-grained ones reported in a state-of-the-art tool. Our overall contribution is twofold: (i) we significantly speed up the computation of fine-grained and binary CDA results and, (ii) complement them with coarse-grained ones, which offer usability benefits for numerous use cases.

Multi-Granular CDA in SE based on GT (Slides) (ICSE 18.pdf)938KiB

Fri 1 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:00 - 10:30
Program Analysis IITechnical Papers / Journal first papers at G1 room
Chair(s): Christine Julien The University of Texas at Austin
Multi-Granular Conflict and Dependency Analysis in Software Engineering based on Graph Transformation
Technical Papers
Leen Lambers , Daniel Strüber University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany, Gabriele Taentzer Universität Marburg, Kristopher Born , Jevgenij Huebert
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Self-Hiding Behavior in Android Apps: Detection and Characterization
Technical Papers
Zhiyong Shan Wichita State University, Iulian Neamtiu New Jersey Institute of Technology, Raina Samuel New Jersey Institute of Technology
File Attached
The Scent of a Smell: An Extensive Comparison between Textual and Structural Smells
Journal first papers
Fabio Palomba , Annibale Panichella Deflt University of Technology, Andy Zaidman TU Delft, Rocco Oliveto University of Molise, Andrea De Lucia University of Salerno
ConflictJS: Finding and Understanding Conflicts Between JavaScript Libraries
Technical Papers
Jibesh Patra Technical University of Darmstadt, Pooja N. Dixit , Michael Pradel TU Darmstadt
Pre-print File Attached
Q&A in groups
Technical Papers