Finding Data Compatibility Bugs with JSON Subschema Checking
Distinguished Artifact
Sat 17 Jul 2021 09:50 - 10:10 at ISSTA 1 - Session 27 (time band 3) Bugs and Analysis 2 Chair(s): Mike Papadakis
JSON is a data format used pervasively in web APIs, cloud computing,
NoSQL databases, and increasingly also machine learning.
To ensure that JSON data is compatible with an application, one
can define a JSON schema and use a validator to check data against
the schema. However, because validation can happen only once
concrete data occurs during an execution, it may detect data compatibility
bugs too late or not at all. Examples include evolving
the schema for a web API, which may unexpectedly break client
applications, or accidentally running a machine learning pipeline
on incorrect data. This paper presents a novel way of detecting
a class of data compatibility bugs via JSON subschema checking.
Subschema checks find bugs before concrete JSON data is available
and across all possible data specified by a schema. For example,
one can check if evolving a schema would break API clients or if
two components of a machine learning pipeline have incompatible
expectations about data. Deciding whether one JSON schema is
a subschema of another is non-trivial because the JSON Schema
specification language is rich. Our key insight to address this challenge
is to first reduce the richness of schemas by canonicalizing
and simplifying them, and to then reason about the subschema
question on simpler schema fragments using type-specific checkers.
We apply our subschema checker to thousands of real-world
schemas from different domains. In all experiments, the approach
is correct whenever it gives an answer (100% precision and correctness),
which is the case for most schema pairs (93.5% recall), clearly
outperforming the state-of-the-art tool. Moreover, the approach
reveals 43 previously unknown bugs in popular software, most
of which have already been fixed, showing that JSON subschema
checking helps finding data compatibility bugs early.
Slides (JSONSubschema_issta21_slides_online.pdf) | 713KiB |
Fri 16 JulDisplayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change
18:20 - 20:00 | Session 20 (time band 1) AnalysisTechnical Papers at ISSTA 2 Chair(s): Shiyi Wei University of Texas at Dallas | ||
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19:00 20mTalk | Finding Data Compatibility Bugs with JSON Subschema CheckingDistinguished Artifact Technical Papers Andrew Habib SnT, University of Luxembourg, Avraham Shinnar IBM Research, Martin Hirzel IBM Research, Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart Link to publication DOI Pre-print File Attached | ||
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Sat 17 JulDisplayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change
09:30 - 11:10 | Session 27 (time band 3) Bugs and Analysis 2Technical Papers at ISSTA 1 Chair(s): Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | ||
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09:50 20mTalk | Finding Data Compatibility Bugs with JSON Subschema CheckingDistinguished Artifact Technical Papers Andrew Habib SnT, University of Luxembourg, Avraham Shinnar IBM Research, Martin Hirzel IBM Research, Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart Link to publication DOI Pre-print File Attached | ||
10:10 20mTalk | Semantic Table Structure Identification in Spreadsheets Technical Papers Yakun Zhang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiao Lv Microsoft Research, Haoyu Dong Microsoft Research, Wensheng Dou Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shi Han Microsoft Research, Dongmei Zhang Microsoft Research, Jun Wei Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dan Ye Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences DOI Media Attached | ||
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