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VL/HCC 2020
Tue 11 - Fri 14 August 2020 Dunedin, New Zealand
Wed 12 Aug 2020 14:30 - 14:45 at Zoom Room - Understanding and Helping Developers Chair(s): Scott Fleming

When working in large and complex codebases, developers face challenges using Find Usages to understand how to reuse classes and methods. To better understand these challenges, we conducted a small exploratory study with 4 participants. We found that developers often wasted time reading long lists of similar usages or prematurely focused on a single usage. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that clustering usages by the similarity of their surrounding context might enable developers to more rapidly understand how to use a function. To explore this idea, we designed and implemented Find Unique Usages, which extracts usages, computes a diff between pairs of usages, generates similarity scores, and uses these scores to form usage clusters. To evaluate this approach, we conducted a controlled experiment with 12 participants. We found that developers with Find Unique Usages were significantly faster, completing their task in 35% less time.

Slides - Find Unique Usages (Find Unique Usages - VLHCC.pptx)7.71MiB

Wed 12 Aug

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14:15 - 15:08
Understanding and Helping DevelopersResearch Papers at Zoom Room
Chair(s): Scott Fleming University of Memphis
Using Hypotheses as a Debugging AidFull paper
Research Papers
Abdulaziz Alaboudi George Mason University, Thomas LaToza George Mason University
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Find Unique Usages: Helping Developers Understand Common UsagesFull paper
Research Papers
Emad Aghayi , Aaron Massey George Mason University, Thomas LaToza George Mason University
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A Case Study of Software Security Red Teams at MicrosoftFull paper
Research Papers
Justin Smith Lafayette College, Chris Theisen Microsoft, Titus Barik Microsoft
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Refactoring from 9 to 5? What and When Employees and Volunteers Contribute to OSSShort paper
Research Papers
Luiz Felipe Fronchetti Dias University of São Paulo, Caio Barbosa PUC-RJ, Gustavo Pinto UFPA, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Baldoino Fonseca Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide, Daniel Alencar Da Costa University of Otago
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