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VL/HCC 2020
Tue 11 - Fri 14 August 2020 Dunedin, New Zealand
Wed 12 Aug 2020 15:00 - 15:07 at Zoom Room - Understanding and Helping Developers Chair(s): Scott Fleming

Many software companies have recently embraced Open Source Software (OSS) initiatives. However, volunteers (i.e., those who contribute to OSS in their spare time) still represent a wealthy workforce that drive many open source projects. Such volunteers face well-known barriers when attempting to contribute to OSS projects. What is still unclear is how the problems that volunteers face transcend the problems that employees (i.e., those hired by a software company to work on company’s OSS projects) face. In this paper, we characterize the contributions made by employees (developers that work for GitHub, the company) and volunteers (developers that use GitHub, the platform) into OSS projects maintained by GitHub (the company) at GitHub (the platform). By mining an extensive body of activities performed into five well-known company-owned OSS projects, we found that volunteers are responsible for opening more than 90% of the issues and for integrating/closing more than 50% of the pull requests of the analyzed projects. Interestingly, most part of the volunteers’ contributions are related to reengineering (e.g., refactoring activities), while employees focus more on management (e.g., updating documentation). When it comes to the working hours, we found that contributions are made mostly from 9am–5pm, even for the volunteers. Projects owned by companies can take advantage of the results of this study to understand how the external community gets involved with the project.

Wed 12 Aug

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14:15 - 15:08
Understanding and Helping DevelopersResearch Papers at Zoom Room
Chair(s): Scott Fleming University of Memphis
Using Hypotheses as a Debugging AidFull paper
Research Papers
Abdulaziz Alaboudi George Mason University, Thomas LaToza George Mason University
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Find Unique Usages: Helping Developers Understand Common UsagesFull paper
Research Papers
Emad Aghayi , Aaron Massey George Mason University, Thomas LaToza George Mason University
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A Case Study of Software Security Red Teams at MicrosoftFull paper
Research Papers
Justin Smith Lafayette College, Chris Theisen Microsoft, Titus Barik Microsoft
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Refactoring from 9 to 5? What and When Employees and Volunteers Contribute to OSSShort paper
Research Papers
Luiz Felipe Fronchetti Dias University of São Paulo, Caio Barbosa PUC-RJ, Gustavo Pinto UFPA, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Baldoino Fonseca Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide, Daniel Alencar Da Costa University of Otago
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