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Maximilian Schiedermeier

Registered user since Thu 29 Sep 2022

Name:Maximilian Schiedermeier

Maximilian Schiedermeier is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at McGill University. His research focuses on model-driven software engineering and reuse in the context of RESTful applications.

Maximilian received a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the “Universität Passau”, and an Engineering Diploma from the “Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon”, 2017. His master thesis explored architectural patterns for secure multi-party computations in combination with distributed ledger technology.

Maximilian received a B.Sc. in Internet Computing and a B.Sc in Computer Science from the “Universität Passau” in 2015. His bachelor thesis evaluated the architectural intrusiveness of various web-frameworks.

Affiliation:McGill University
Research interests:SE, RESTful Services, MDE, DSML


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