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Yifan Zhang

Registered user since Tue 13 Sep 2022

Name:Yifan Zhang

Yifan is a researcher focusing on AI for Software Engineering (AI4SE), Graph Data Mining, and Domain Generalization. For the time being, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University, affiliated with Institute for Software Integrated Systems.

We are hiring Ph.D., Post-Doc and Research Intern. Feel free to check the recruitment documents if you are interested in:
Prof. Leach’s Lab: https://kjl.name/recruitment.pdf
Prof. Huang’s Lab: https://yuhuang-lab.github.io/index_files/Huang-Recruitment.pdf

Country:United States
Affiliation:Vanderbilt University
Research interests:AI for Software Engineering, Graph Data Mining, Domain Generalization


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