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ECOOP and ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with
Julian Dolby

Registered user since Wed 22 Oct 2014

Name:Julian Dolby

I have been a Research Staff Member at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center since 2000. I work on a range of topics, including static program analysis, software testing and the semantic web. I have also worked on the Jikes Research Virtual Machine (Jikes RVM).

  • My program analysis work has recently been focused on scripting languages like JavaScript and on security analysis of Web applications; our work has been included in IBM products, most notably Rational AppScan products, and I am one of the primary authors of the publicly-available Watson Libraries for Analysis (WALA) program analysis infrastructure. My recent work in this area has focused on JavaScript, and you can see a summary of that work in a talk I gave at SPLASH-I.

  • My testing work has been primarily focused on Web applications in the Apollo project, and on finding concurrency bugs using both dynamic execution and model checking.

  • My semantic Web work has been on scalable inference with the SHER project; more recently, I have focused on representing RDF data efficiently in an RDBMS, semantics of SPARQL, and extending SPARQL to integrate Web data. You can see a summary of our work in this area in a keynote I gave at the Semantic Big Data workshop at SIGMOD 2017.

I was educated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an undergraduate, and at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a graduate student where I worked with Professor Andrew Chien on programming systems for massively-parallel machines.

Country:United States
Affiliation:IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Research interests:Programming languages, Program analysis, Software testing, Semantic Web


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