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ECOOP and ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with
Martin Kellogg

Registered user since Thu 24 Mar 2016

Name:Martin Kellogg

I’m a graduate student at the UW, working with the fantastic Mike Ernst toward a PhD. My research interests center around automating parts of the development process; I think that my friends in The Real World should get to spend their time at work on interesting problems, just like I do! To that end, I like to work on problems where we automate some boring, time-consuming, or otherwise not-the-best-thing ever part of a developer’s life. That way, we can all spend our time working on the tough problems the machines can’t solve! (yet?)

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Washington, Seattle
Research interests:Software Engineering and Programming Languages


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