ECOOP and ISSTA 2018 (series) / Tim Felgentreff

Registered user since Sat 17 May 2014
Name:Tim Felgentreff
I am a member of the Truffle/Graal team at Oracle Labs. I was led here by my interests in programming languages and virtual machine design, and my involvement with the PyPy/RPython project and various other dynamic language VMs. My work revolves around dynamic language interoperability, connecting them with native C code in a safe manner, and providing cross-language tool support. I also continue to collaborate with the Hasso Plattner Institute at the University of Potsdam. I run 10km in less than 50 minutes.
Affiliation:Oracle Labs, Potsdam
Personal website:
Research interests:Dynamic Programming Languages, Object-Constraint Programming, Virtual Machines
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