ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Ana Oprescu

Registered user since Sat 24 Aug 2019

Name:Ana Oprescu

Ana Oprescu is Assistant Professor in the Complex CyberInfrastructure research group in the Institute of Informatics (IvI) at the University of Amsterdam since 2021. Previously she was a lecturer in the Parallel Computing Systems research group in the same institute. She is chairwoman of the Admissions Board and of the Programme Committee for the Software Engineering master, as well as a member of the Women in the Faculty of Science (WiF) board. She received her Senior Teaching Qualification in 2020. Her research goal is to understand the fundamental laws governing the complexity of modern software services such that we can eventually build controllable complex software services. She has participated in several FP7 and H2020 projects (XtreemOS, Contrail), and has recently very successfully (83/100) concluded an Erasmus+ project (3COWS). She is now the de-facto implementation WP leader for the AMdEX initiative. She published more than 40 articles in international conferences and journals.

Affiliation:University of Amsterdam
Research interests:fundamental laws of software services, energy-driven software engineering, software quality, software testing


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