Registered user since Tue 26 May 2020
I am an industrial doctoral student in the Software Testing Laboratory at Mälardalen University, and I am employed at Westermo Network Technologies AB. I worked for more than a decade with software development, software testing, test leading and test automation in the domains of embedded, rail, nuclear, web and mathematics software, before starting as an industrial doctoral student in 2017.
My research focus is on system-level software test automation of embedded systems. Testing at a system level is a complex process and there is a need for test selection, considering hardware coverage, as well as test results communication, test results exploration and test results visualizations.
I received a master’s degree (Fil. Mag.) in applied mathematics from Linköping University 2004, and another master’s degree (Civ. Ing.) in bioinformatics in 2005, also from Linköping University. In 2018 I received my licentiate degree at MDH (in the Nordics a licentiate degree can be seen as half-way to a doctoral degree).
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