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ISSTA 2020
Sat 18 - Wed 22 July 2020

The ISSTA 2020 Doctoral Symposium is a one-day event to be held on July 18, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, United States. The symposium will bring together doctoral students working in the area of software testing and analysis and give them the opportunity to present and discuss their research goals, methods, and preliminary results in a constructive and international atmosphere. The Symposium will include two keynotes by a prominent academic leaders. The Symposium will be closed-door, with participation restricted to the students taking part in the symposium and the members of the ISSTA 2020 Doctoral Symposium Program Committee. Accepted submissions will also be published as short papers in the ISSTA 2020 conference proceedings.

The goals of the Doctoral Symposium are to:

  • provide the participants independent and constructive feedback on their current research and future research directions;
  • develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research;
  • provide an opportunity for student participants to interact with established researchers and practitioners in the software engineering community.

Participating students will have the unique opportunity to describe their research ideas and receive comments and suggestions from experienced researchers in the software testing and analysis community.

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Sat 18 Jul

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09:00 - 13:00
Doctoral SymposiumDoctoral Symposium at Zoom

Registered participants should join via the Zoom link distributed in Slack.

Keynote by Claire Le Goues -- Do what I mean, not what I say: An Introduction to Automatic Program Repair for Early-Career Researchers
Doctoral Symposium

Day opening
Introductions & Plans
Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral symposium paper
Feng Xue: Automated Mobile Apps Testing from Visual Perspective
Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral symposium paper
Luis Gustavo Araujo Rodriguez: Program-aware fuzzing for MQTT applications
Doctoral Symposium

Keynote by Muneera Bano -- PhD: The transformational journey of my life
Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral symposium paper
João Choma: Using search-based meta-heuristics to support the identification of infeasible testing requirements
Doctoral Symposium

Break-outs / Discussion & Wrap up
Doctoral Symposium

Call for Submissions

Prospective student participants should be at a stage in their research where they have already identified a research topic, but should still be at least six months away from completing their dissertation. Participants will be selected based on a four-page paper describing their proposed thesis research. The paper should state the problem their research intends to address and detail how they propose to address it, including a statement of their hypotheses, a description of their approach and evaluation plans, their positioning with respect to the state of the art, and the expected improvements and benefits.

Submission Instructions

A Doctoral Symposium submission must not exceed 4 pages, including all text, figures, tables, and appendices; one additional page containing only references is permitted. Submission should be in ACM Master conference format using 9-point type. For LaTeX users, this means using the acmart document class with the sigconf option (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}).

Please submit through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=issta20ds

Do what I mean, not what I say: An Introduction to Automatic Program Repair for Early-Career Researchers

Dr. Claire Le Goues (@clegoues)

Affiliations: Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract: Automatic Program Repair (APR) is a popular problem in testing and analysis. Techniques in APR seek to address an important, wide-ranging question (bugs!) by combining a wide variety of techniques from across the research area (including but not limited to fault localization, delta debugging, program transformation, and dynamic and static analyses of all stripes). How did APR get to where it is today, as an area? And, is there anything interesting left to do? In this talk, I will briefly introduce and overview the area, its history to date, and its open challenges, focusing on (1) the ways APR is still a wide-open research problem, ready for new and exciting takes from early-career researchers, and (2) lessons for those early-career researchers that can be drawn from both APR’s evolution as a research area and (cautiously!) from my own career so far.

Bio: Claire Le Goues is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests span software engineering and programming languages, and especially in how to maintain, evolve, improve/debug, and assure high-quality software systems. She is the 2020 recipient of the SIGSOFT Early Career Researcher award, recognizing her “groundbreaking work on automated program repair, impact on industrial practice, and service to the software engineering research community.” Dr. Le Goues holds MS and PhD degrees from the University of Virginia and a BA from Harvard College, all in Computer Science.

PhD: The transformational journey of my life

Dr. Muneera Bano (@DrMuneeraBano)


Abstract: For many the pursuit of PhD comes with the dreams of acquiring a testimony on a piece of paper to open the door for future job opportunities in academia. For me, the PhD was not just a degree but it was a transformational journey of my life towards empowerment and advocacy for the cause of STEM education for women. In this talk I will share the story of my academic journey of how I overcame cultural and psychological barriers when I decided to move to Australia as an international student with English as second language in order to pursue PhD in a male dominated field of software engineering.

Bio: A passionate advocate for women in STEM, Muneera Bano was announced as the ‘Most Influential Asian-Australian Under 40’ in 2019. A ‘Superstar of STEM’ and member of ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’ committee for Science and Technology Australia, Muneera has a strong commitment to smash society’s gender and cultural assumptions about scientists. She is the Go Girl, Go For IT 2020 Ambassador with the aim to inspire the next generation of girls in STEM careers.

During her research career, Muneera has also received prestigious recognition for her work, including being named as a finalist for Google Australia’s Anita Borg Award for Women in Computer Science, Asia-Pacific 2015. She was also the recipient of Schlumberger’s Faculty For The Future (FFTF) Award for Women in STEM (2014 and 2015) and was given the ‘Distinguished Research Paper Award’ at International Requirements Engineering Conference held in August 2018. As the winner of Under 40: Most Influential Asian-Australians Award, Muneera was offered Dr John Yu Fellowship for Cultural Diversity and Leadership at Sydney University in November 2019.

Dr Muneera Bano is a senior lecturer of software engineering from the Deakin University. She worked as a lecturer at Swinburne University from 2017 to 2019. Muneera graduated from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in 2015 with a PhD in Software Engineering. After graduation she worked as a Post-doctoral researcher and ‘Learning and Teaching Adjunct’ at UTS. Muneera specialises in the field of socio-technical domains of software engineering focusing on human-centred technologies. Muneera works at the intersection between computers and humans – looking for ways to engineer technology to work better with the people that use it.

She contributes to the broader research community as Associate Editor of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Software Journal, as Track Chair in International Requirements Engineering, and Australian Software Engineering Conferences; and as a member of the program committee for various highly-ranked conferences including Grace Hopper Conference for Women in Computer Science.
