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ISSTA 2020
Sat 18 - Wed 22 July 2020

The characteristics of cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things challenge static and dynamic analysis techniques on which traditional testing techniques rely. Classic approaches are not fully adequately for testing cyber-physical systems and new approaches are needed.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss the challenges in testing cyber-physical and the Internet of things software systems, exchange ideas, and propose solutions to the challenges. TAV-CPS/IoT 2020 follows the premier successful editions co-located with ISSTA in 2017, ECOOP/ISSTA in 2018, and ISSTA in 2019.

TAV-CPS/IoT is a participatory workshop. Attendees will have the opportunity to actively engage in the discussion activities planned for the workshop. Authors whose abstracts or short papers are accepted will be asked to give short and focused presentations to nourish discussion. Sessions will be organized around the workshop theme, along the main research trends that will emerge from the submitted papers, the focused presentations and the participants’ contribution. The workshop will include keynote presentations, invited talks, paper presentations, and discussion panels around the original vision of TAV-CPS/IoT.

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09:00 - 12:30
TAV-CPS/IoT WorkshopTAV-CPS/IoT at Zoom

Public Live Stream/Recording. Registered participants should join via the Zoom link distributed in Slack.

Keynote by Lionel Briand: Artificial Intelligence for Automated Software Testing in Cyber-Physical Systems

Uncertainty Modeling and Evaluation for Dependable IoT Cloud Systems Design
Luca Berardinelli Johannes Kepler University Linz, Hong-Linh Truong Aalto University
Efficient Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
Jun Sun Singapore Management University, Zijiang Yang Western Michigan University
Formal Verification of Discrete Event Modeling
Zhihao Lu Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, Rui Wang Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, Yong Guan Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
Panel Discussion

Call for Submissions

TAV-CPS/IoT invites submissions discussing problems and challenges of testing cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things, exchange ideas among practitioners and researchers from different areas (software, system, testing and analysis), identify promising research directions, and ultimately create a special interest community.

It is an one day workshop and will be organized in 3 sessions, each focusing on a theme. Each session will include a keynote presentation to frame the problem and open the discussion, a short presentation of papers related to the topic, and a “fishbowl” panel discussion.

TAV-CPS/IoT invites the following submissions:

  • Full papers (6 pages): Results of past research, research in progress, tools, experience reports.
  • New idea papers (4 pages): Innovative new ideas supported by promising initial evidence.
  • Extended abstracts (2 pages): Description of an important problem, prediction of potential novel directions, discussion of open research questions.

The topics include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Testing techniques for CPS/IoT
  • Formal verification techniques for CPS/IoT
  • Program analysis techniques for CPS/IoT
  • Tools and infrastructures for CPS/IoT testing, analysis, or verification
  • Using simulation to support testing for CPS/IoT
  • Bug characteristics study for CPS/IoT
  • Testing as a service for CPS/IoT
  • Modeling techniques for CPS/IoT to support testing and verification
  • IoT middleware testing
  • CPS/IoT log mining for abnormity detection
  • Empirical study on any of the above topics

Important Dates

TBA. Workshop

Sat 15 Jun 2020. Camera Ready

Mon 10 Jun 2020. Author Notifications

Fri 24 May 2020. Submission Deadline


Papers are to be submitted via the hotcrp TAV-CPS/IoT 2020 submission website. They must be written in English, provided as PDF documents, and follow the ACM Conference Format. The template is available at: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Note, Latex authors should use the “sigconf” option.

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers and all accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Submission site: https://tavcpsiot20.hotcrp.com/

Questions? Use the ISSTA TAV-CPS/IoT contact form.