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ISSTA 2020
Sat 18 - Wed 22 July 2020

Smart contracts are versatile instruments that can not only facilitate and verify transactions in financial services, but also track the movement of physical goods and intellectual property. Security and correctness are essential for smart contract technology, because contracts possess the authority to allocate high-value resources between complex systems and are, for the most part, autonomous. Smart contracts have been the targets of widely publicized attacks, some successful in inflicting considerable financial damage. The workshop will include an invited talk from a prominent smart contract practitioner or security researcher.

This workshop is broadly focused, and considers all approaches to analyzing smart contracts, static and dynamic. It covers, but is not limited to:

  • Analysis-based vulnerability discovery (e.g. heuristics-based static analysis, fuzzing)
  • Sound analysis (e.g. model checking, temporal logic)
  • Code optimization (e.g. code-size reduction, gas-cost estimation)
  • Code understanding (e.g. decompilation, reverse engineering)
  • Code monitoring (e.g. debugging, fault detection)
  • Intermediate representation (e.g. design, specification)

The workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners together and will promote open and reproducible research. Papers improving existing tools or proposing new ones are encouraged.

In addition to full papers, we are encouraging the submission of 4-page New Ideas papers, that will receive a full presentation and discussion slot, in order to encourage truly workshop-style/exploratory work and give researchers feedback on promising ideas!

Submission Information

Papers should be submitted in ACM Conference format, and are limited to 8 pages, including references. Papers can be submitted via EasyChair. Submission is not blinded. We particularly welcome papers focused on practical, open source tools for contract analysis.


In addition to full 8 page papers, we also will accept New Ideas papers for promising ideas that might not have the experimental validation expected in a full paper. These papers will receive the same presentation and discussion time as full papers, in order to focus the workshop on novel, but relatively unexplored, ideas. To submit a new ideas paper, simply submit a paper of 4 or fewer pages.

Authors should use the ACM proceedings template https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template with the sigconf option.

The firm deadline for all submissions is MAY 22, 2020JUNE 26, 2020.

Camera-ready is due before the workshop.

More details can be found at: https://trailofbits.github.io/WoSCA/

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