Important Dates

Submission: Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Notification: Friday, June 23, 2023
Camera ready: Friday, July 7, 2023


Andrew Begel Carnegie Mellon University

Dan Port University of Hawaii, Manoa

The ESEM IGC track is one of the major forums for practitioners and researchers to share their experiences and disseminate results concerning the experience of applying or evaluating software engineering technologies (process, methods, techniques and tools) in real settings. It provides an opportunity for practitioners and researchers to exchange new ideas and develop new collaborations. Submissions to this track must include at least one non-academic author who has made a material contribution to the work. Submissions to this track will be peer-reviewed mainly for relevance, substance, and interest to the conference rather than for “academic” rigor. We encourage submissions written by practitioners for practitioners.

Some areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Case studies of development practice
    • Use of advanced tools or methods (e.g., AI)
    • Product development interactions with non-Engineers
    • Issues with Maintenance, DevOps, CI
    • Management of large-scale services and frameworks
    • War stories
  • Assessment and/or self-improvement of processes, tools, or practices
    • Metrics and Measures Used in Practice
    • Progress towards internal goals or metrics
    • Reports on Best Practices
    • Empirical Assessment of Technical Management
  • Translation of research into practice and vice versa
    • Adaptation and use of research tools (no matter how old) in practice
    • Lessons learned applying academic research to practice (what worked, what didn’t work)
    • Explaining current problems that need to be addressed by research
  • Compliance and Regulations
    • GDPR, CCPA, and other Privacy Regulations
  • Community Participation
    • Community Service Projects and Outreach
    • Participation in open source communities
    • Participation in standards bodies and RFCs
  • Workforce assessment and advancement
    • Education to workforce pipeline (needs, outcomes, preparation)
    • Onboarding, Training, and Technical workforce development
  • Ethics
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
  • Opportunities for collaborations

We seek the following types of submissions:

Experience Reports

This type of submission is only open to industry, government, or community practitioners. Submissions should describe experiences that may help understanding situations in which practices or technologies are applied and their impact. Experience reports on implementing practices or technologies suggested or driven from research are especially encouraged. Experience reports should include information on the setting, provide motivation, explain the events leading to the outcomes including the challenges faced, summarize the outcomes, and conclude with lessons learned, take-away messages, and advice based on the described experience. An extensive description of related work or background material is not required. However, references to relevant research is appreciated. Accepted submissions will be invited to present their report at the conference and a summary will be included in the conference proceedings.

Experience Reports submissions should provide a 2-4 page summary of the experience.

Empirical Studies

Submissions should describe empirical studies conducted in industry, government, or community settings (e.g., action research, case studies). We encourage the submission of novel studies, replication studies, and studies with negative results (i.e., studies that did not deliver the expected results). Submissions should describe related work, provide details on the approach and methodology employed, and discuss implications of the results.

For Empirical Studies, we accept both full papers (6-10 pages) and short papers (4-6 pages).

IGC Challenge Workshop Session

This type of submission is only open to practitioners. IGC challenge submissions outline a new research challenge, arising from software practice and experience. The submission should clearly articulate the problem and motivate it in terms of its potential for industrial impact and/or its practical importance. The aim is to provide a well-defined industrially relevant problem for the research community to tackle. Submissions should include a brief background and describe a problem or area that is in need of empirical study, and a list of questions/challenges to be discussed. Accepted submissions will be given an opportunity to conduct a workshop session at the conference to discuss the problem and solicit potential collaborations. Submissions are limited to 2-pages and must use the following outline:

  1. Background
    Brief background of the organization and context
  2. Problem(s)
    Description of problem or areas in need of empirical study
  3. Discussion Points
    Bullet point list of questions, challenges, and requests. Put these in order of priority as there will be limited time in the workshop and not all discussion points will be addressed. The objective here is to stimulate interest and possible collaborations.

Submission Details

Page limits include figures, tables, appendices. One additional page may be used for references.

Submissions must include an additional section, a Lay Abstract: a 250-word summary of the paper written in plain English, intended to be read not by researchers, but by practicing software engineers or community members, who may have very little understanding of software engineering research or academic jargon. This will help make our work more accessible to the public, an important constituency and focus of our research. The Lay Abstract should come after the Abstract but before the paper’s Introduction section.

It is not required to publicly reveal data or data sources. However, submissions should provide a statement indicating the provenance of the data and its appropriate use in the study/report.

Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair by selecting the “IGC Track”. Details on how to submit and format your paper can be found at submission link.

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Thu 26 Oct

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

10:30 - 12:15
1A - Fault correction and information seekingESEM Technical Papers at Rhythms 2
Chair(s): Andreas Jedlitschka Fraunhofer IESE
What Do Infrastructure-as-Code Practitioners Discuss: An Empirical Study on Stack Overflow
ESEM Technical Papers
Mahi Begoug , Narjes Bessghaier ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Eman Abdullah AlOmar Stevens Institute of Technology, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer Rochester Institute of Technology
All For One and One For All: investigating how Global Game Jam participants seek and get help
ESEM Technical Papers
Leveraging Evidence Theory to Improve Fault Localization: An Exploratory Study
ESEM Technical Papers
Yueke Zhang , Kevin Leach Vanderbilt University, Yu Huang Vanderbilt University
Investigating the Impact of Bug Dependencies on Bug-fixing Time Prediction
ESEM Technical Papers
Chenglin Li , Yangyang Zhao Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Yibiao Yang Nanjing University, Yuming Zhou Nanjing University, Liming Nie , Zuohua Ding
Media Attached
Understanding Resolution of Multi-Language Bugs: An Empirical Study on Apache Projects
ESEM Technical Papers
Zengyang Li Central China Normal University, Wenshuo Wang Central China Normal University, Sicheng Wang Central China Normal University, Peng Liang Wuhan University, China, Ran Mo Central China Normal University
Link to publication Pre-print Media Attached
10:30 - 12:15
1B - Machine learning in SEESEM Technical Papers / ESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM IGC at Rhythms 3
Chair(s): Davide Taibi University of Oulu
What is the Carbon Footprint of ML Models on Hugging Face? A Repository Mining Study
ESEM Technical Papers
Joel Castaño Fernández Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Silverio Martínez-Fernández UPC-BarcelonaTech, Xavier Franch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Link to publication Pre-print
An Exploratory Literature Study on Sharing and Energy Use of Language Models for Source Code
ESEM Technical Papers
Max Hort Simula Research Laboratory, Anastasiia Grishina Simula Research Laboratory, Leon Moonen Simula Research Laboratory and BI Norwegian Business School
Pre-print Media Attached
An Empirical Study on Low- and High-Level Explanations of Deep Learning Misbehaviours
ESEM Technical Papers
Tahereh Zohdinasab USI Lugano, Vincenzo Riccio University of Udine, Paolo Tonella USI Lugano
Assessing the Use of AutoML for Data-Driven Software Engineering
ESEM Technical Papers
Fabio Calefato University of Bari, Luigi Quaranta University of Bari, Italy, Filippo Lanubile University of Bari, Marcos Kalinowski Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Journal Early-Feedback
An Empirical Study on ML DevOps Adoption Trends, Efforts, and Benefits Analysis
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Dhia Elhaq Rzig University of Michigan - Dearborn, Foyzul Hassan University of Michigan at Dearborn, Marouane Kessentini Oakland University
Industry talk
The Perspective of Software Professionals on Algorithmic Racism
13:30 - 15:05
2A - Software and system testingESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM Technical Papers / Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track / ESEM IGC at Rhythms 2
Chair(s): Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology
Manual Tests Do Smell! Cataloging and Identifying Natural Language Test Smells
ESEM Technical Papers
Elvys Soares Federal University of Pernambuco / Federal Institute of Alagoas, Manoel Aranda III , Naelson Oliveira , Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Rohit Gheyi Federal University of Campina Grande, Emerson Paulo Soares de Souza , Ivan Machado Federal University of Bahia, Andre Santos , Baldoino Fonseca , Rodrigo Bonifácio Computer Science Department - University of Brasília
Pre-print Media Attached
An Empirical Study of Regression Testing for Android Apps in Continuous Integration Environment
ESEM Technical Papers
Dingbang Wang , Yu Zhao University of Central Missouri, Lu Xiao Stevens Institute of Technology, Tingting Yu University of Connecticut
Journal Early-Feedback
Scripted and Scriptless GUI Testing for Web Applications: An Industrial Case
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Axel Bons , Beatriz Marín Universitat Politècnica de València, Pekka Aho Nordic Semiconductor, Tanja E. J. Vos
Vision and Emerging Results
Identifying Flakiness in Quantum Programs
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Lei Zhang , Mahsa Radnejad University of Maryland Baltimore County, Andriy Miranskyy Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
Industry talk
The Vocabulary of Flaky Tests in the Context of SAP HANA
Industry talk
Comparing Mobile Testing Tools Using Documentary Analysis
13:30 - 15:05
Experienced Challenges of Adopting Scaling Frameworks
ESEM Technical Papers
Irina Safonova , Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & Aalto University, Finland, Casper Lassenius Aalto University, Finland and Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway, Ömer Uludag Technical University of Munich, Abheeshta Putta
Journal Early-Feedback
A Longitudinal Explanatory Case Study of Coordination in a Very Large Development Programme: The Impact of Transitioning from a First- to a Second-generation Large-scale Agile Development Method
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Torgeir Dingsøyr Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Finn Olav Bjornson , Julian Schrof , Tor Sporsem SINTEF
Journal Early-Feedback
A Taxonomy of Inter-Team Coordination Mechanisms in Large-Scale Agile
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Marthe Berntzen , Rashina Hoda Monash University, Nils Brede Moe SINTEF, Viktoria Stray University of Oslo
Journal Early-Feedback
Decentralized Decision-Making and Scaled Autonomy at Spotify
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Darja Šmite Blekinge Institute of Technology, Nils Brede Moe SINTEF, Marcin Floryan Spotify, Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology, Michael Dorner Blekinge Institute of Technology, Aivars Sablis Blekinge Institute of Technology
Industry talk
The Effect of Sprint Duration to the Velocity in a Large-scale Embedded Software Project
Vision and Emerging Results
Pair Programming Practiced in Hybrid Work
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Journal Early-Feedback
Data-driven Agile Software Cost Estimation Models for DHS and DoD
ESEM Journal-First Papers
15:30 - 17:00
3A - Research methods and plansESEM Registered Reports / Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track at Rhythms 2
Chair(s): Marcos Kalinowski Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Vision and Emerging Results
How Many Papers Should You Review? A Research Synthesis of Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Xiaofeng Wang Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Henry Edison Blekinge Institute of Technology, Dron Khanna Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Usman Rafiq Free University of Bolzano
Vision and Emerging Results
TransDPR: Design Pattern Recognition Using Programming Language Models
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Sushant Kumar Pandey Chalmers and University of Gothenburg, Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, Miroslaw Staron University of Gothenburg, Miroslaw Ochodek Poznan University of Technology, Nicholas Mucci Chalmers | University of Gothenburg and Volvo Cars, Darko Durisic
On the Suitability of Hugging Face Hub for Empirical Studies
ESEM Registered Reports
Adem Ait IN3 - UOC, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo IN3 - UOC, Jordi Cabot Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Breaks and Code Quality: Investigating the Impact of Forgetting on Software Development. A Registered Report
ESEM Registered Reports
Dario Amoroso d'Aragona Tampere University, Luca Pascarella ETH Zurich, Andrea Janes FHV Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu, Rafael Peñaloza , Davide Taibi University of Oulu
Experimental Evaluation of a Checklist-Based Inspection Technique to Verify the Compliance of Software Systems with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law
ESEM Registered Reports
Diego André Cerqueira Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rafael de Mello UFRJ, Brazil, Guilherme Horta Travassos Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
A Comparative Study on Reward Models for UI Adaptation with Reinforcement Learning
ESEM Registered Reports
Daniel Gaspar Figueiredo Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, Marta Fernández-Diego , Silvia Abrahão Universitat Politècnica de València, Emilio Insfran Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Link to publication Pre-print
The Effect of Stereotypes on Perceived Competence of Indigenous Software Practitioners: A Professional Photo
ESEM Registered Reports
Mary Sánchez-Gordón Østfold University College, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Cathy Guevara-Vega Universidad Técnica del Norte, Antonio Quiña-Mera Universidad Técnica del Norte
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
15:30 - 17:00
3B - Software managementESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM Technical Papers at Rhythms 3
Chair(s): Rashina Hoda Monash University
Whistleblowing in the Software Industry: a Survey
ESEM Technical Papers
Stefan Reijenga , Kousar Aslam , Emitzá Guzmán Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
On the Impact and Lessons Learned from Mindfulness Practice in a Real-world Software Company
ESEM Technical Papers
Journal Early-Feedback
Take a Deep Breath: Benefits of Neuroplasticity Practices for Software Developers and Computer Workers in a Family of Experiments
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Cristina Martinez Montes Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers, Richard Torkar Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg
Journal Early-Feedback
Work-From-Home is Here to Stay: Call for Flexibility in Post-Pandemic Work Policies
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Darja Šmite Blekinge Institute of Technology, Nils Brede Moe SINTEF, Jarle Hildrum , Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology
Journal Early-Feedback
What do Transgender Software Professionals say about a Career in the Software Industry?
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Journal Early-Feedback
Pots of Gold at the End of the Rainbow: What is Success for Open Source Contributors?
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Bianca Trinkenreich Oregon State University, USA, Mariam Guizani Queen's University, Canada, Igor Wiese Federal University of Technology, Tayana Conte Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Marco Gerosa Northern Arizona University, Anita Sarma Oregon State University, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University

Fri 27 Oct

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

08:30 - 10:15
4 - Advancement of empirical research methodsESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM Technical Papers at Rhythms 3
Chair(s): Maleknaz Nayebi York University, Per Runeson Lund University
Journal Early-Feedback
Applying Inter-Rater Reliability and Agreement in Collaborative Grounded Theory Studies in Software Engineering
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Journal Early-Feedback
Comparing ϕ and the F-measure as Performance Metrics for Software-related Classifications
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Luigi Lavazza Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Sandro Morasca Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Journal Early-Feedback
Double-Counting in Software Engineering Tertiary Studies - An Overlooked Threat to Validity
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Jürgen Börstler Blekinge Institute of Technology, Nauman Bin Ali Blekinge Institute of Technology, Kai Petersen University of Applied Sciences Flensburg, Germany / Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Journal Early-Feedback
Ground Truth Deficiencies in Software Engineering: When Codifying the Past can be Counterproductive
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Eray Tüzün Bilkent University, Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University, Maria Teresa Baldassarre Department of Computer Science, University of Bari , Michael Felderer German Aerospace Center (DLR) & University of Cologne, Robert Feldt Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Burak Turhan University of Oulu
Journal Early-Feedback
Use and Misuse of the Term Experiment in Mining Software Repositories Research
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Claudia Ayala Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, Burak Turhan University of Oulu, Xavier Franch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Natalia Juristo Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Panel Discussion on Advancement of Empirical Research Methods
ESEM Technical Papers

10:40 - 12:15
ToxiSpanSE: An Explainable Toxicity Detection in Code Review Comments
ESEM Technical Papers
Jaydeb Sarker Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Sayma Sultana Wayne State University, Steven Wilson , Amiangshu Bosu Wayne State University
Pre-print Media Attached
Towards Automated Classification of Code Review Feedback to Support Analytics
ESEM Technical Papers
Asif Kamal Turzo Wayne State University, Fahim Faysal , Ovi Poddar , Jaydeb Sarker Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Anindya Iqbal Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh, Amiangshu Bosu Wayne State University
Pre-print Media Attached
Security Defect Detection via Code Review: A Study of the OpenStack and Qt Communities
ESEM Technical Papers
Jiaxin Yu , Liming Fu Wuhan University, Peng Liang Wuhan University, China, Amjed Tahir Massey University, Mojtaba Shahin RMIT University, Australia
Link to publication Pre-print Media Attached
Vision and Emerging Results
Exploring the Advances in Identifying Useful Code Review Comments
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Sharif Ahmed Boise State University, USA, Nasir Eisty Boise State University
Journal Early-Feedback
Using a Balanced Scorecard to Identify Opportunities to Improve Code Review Effectiveness: An Industrial Experience Report
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Masum Hasan , Anindya Iqbal Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mohammad Rafid Ul Islam , Ajm Imtiajur Rahman , Amiangshu Bosu Wayne State University
Journal Early-Feedback
A Critical Comparison on Six Static Analysis Tools: Detection, Agreement, and Precision
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu, Fabiano Pecorelli Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Nyyti Saarimäki Tampere University, Savanna Lujan Tampere University, Fabio Palomba University of Salerno
10:40 - 12:15
5B - SecurityEmerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track / ESEM Technical Papers / ESEM IGC at Rhythms 3
Chair(s): Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
Exploring Technical Debt in Security Questions on Stack Overflow
ESEM Technical Papers
Joshua Aldrich Edbert University of Saskatchewan, Sahrima Jannat Oishwee University of Saskatchewan, Shubhashis Karmakar , Zadia Codabux University of Saskatchewan, Roberto Verdecchia University of Florence
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Personalized Guidelines for Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Anti-phishing Interventions
ESEM Technical Papers
Orvila Sarker , Sherif Haggag The University of Adelaide, Asangi Jayatilaka University of Adelaide, Chelsea Liu
Industry talk
Privacy and Security documents for Agile Software Engineering: An experiment of LGPD Inventory adoption
Juliana de Albuquerque Goncalves Saraiva , Sérgio Soares Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Vision and Emerging Results
How do Deep Learning Faults Affect AI-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems in Operation? a Preliminary Study based on DeepCrime Mutation Operators
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Aitor Arrieta Mondragon University, Pablo Valle Mondragon University, Asier Iriarte , Miren Illarramendi Mondragon University
Vision and Emerging Results
Evaluating the Impact of ChatGPT on Exercises of a Software Security Course
Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
Jingyue Li Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Per Håkon Meland , Jakob Svennevik Notland , André Storhaug Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Jostein Hjortland Tysse
13:30 - 15:00
6A - Requirements engineering and tool selectionESEM Technical Papers / ESEM Journal-First Papers at Rhythms 2
Chair(s): Ronnie de Souza Santos University of Calgary
Divide and Conquer the EmpiRE: A Community-Maintainable Knowledge Graph of Empirical Research in Requirements Engineering
ESEM Technical Papers
Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Felix Wernlein , Jil Klünder Leibniz Universität Hannover, Sören Auer TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
Pre-print Media Attached
What are Pros and Cons? Stance Detection and Summarization on Feature Request
ESEM Technical Papers
Yawen Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Junjie Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hongyu Zhang Chongqing University, Kairui Wang , Qing Wang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Media Attached
Journal Early-Feedback
An Initial Theory to Understand and Manage Requirements Engineering Debt in Practice
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Julian Frattini Blekinge Institute of Technology, Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology, Rodrigo Spinola Virginia Commonwealth University, Vladimir Mandić Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Nebojša Taušan INFORA Research Group doo, Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Karlstad University, Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology
A Comparative Study of Software Secrets Reporting by Secret Detection Tools
ESEM Technical Papers
Setu Kumar Basak North Carolina State University, Jamison Cox , Bradley Reaves North Carolina State University, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
How R Developers explain their Package Choice: A Survey
ESEM Technical Papers
Addi Malviya-Thakur Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA/ University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Audris Mockus The University of Tennessee, Russell Zaretzki , Bogdan Bichescu , Randy Bradley
13:30 - 15:00
6B - Code quality and beyondESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM Technical Papers at Rhythms 3
Chair(s): Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu
Replicability Study: Corpora For Understanding Simulink Models & Projects
ESEM Technical Papers
Sohil Lal Shrestha The University of Texas at Arlington, Shafiul Azam Chowdhury University of Texas at Arlington, Christoph Csallner University of Texas at Arlington
Link to publication Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
Journal Early-Feedback
A Decade of Code Comment Quality Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Pooja Rani University of Zurich, Arianna Blasi Meta Platforms, Inc., Nataliia Stulova University of Bern, Switzerland, Sebastiano Panichella Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Alessandra Gorla IMDEA Software Institute, Oscar Nierstrasz University of Bern, Switzerland
DOI Pre-print
Journal Early-Feedback
Just-in-time Code Duplicates Extraction
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Eman Abdullah AlOmar Stevens Institute of Technology, Anton Ivanov HSE University, Zarina Kurbatova JetBrains Research, Yaroslav Golubev JetBrains Research, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer Rochester Institute of Technology, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research, Le Nguyen Rochester Institute of Technology, Amit Kini Rochester Institute of Technology, Aditya Thakur Rochester Institute of Technology
Beyond the Code: Investigating the Effects of Pull Request Conversations on Design Decay
ESEM Technical Papers
Caio Barbosa Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Anderson Uchôa Federal University of Ceará, Daniel Coutinho PUC-Rio, Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, Anderson Oliveira PUC-Rio, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Baldoino Fonseca , Matheus Feitosa de Oliveira Rabelo , José Eric Mesquita Coelho , Eryka Carvalho da Silva , Paulo Henrique Santos Marques
Journal Early-Feedback
A Mixed-Method Approach to Recommend Corrections and Correct REST Antipatterns
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Fatima Sabir Punjab University College of Information Technology , University of the Punjab, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc Concordia University and Polytechnique Montréal, Francis Palma , Naouel Moha École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS), Ghulam Rasool , Hassan Akhtar
Journal Early-Feedback
Tag that Issue: Applying API-domain Labels in Issue Tracking Systems
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Fabio Marcos De Abreu Santos Northern Arizona University, USA, Joseph Vargovich Northern Arizona University, Bianca Trinkenreich Oregon State University, USA, Italo Santos Northern Arizona University, Jacob Penney Northern Arizona University, Ricardo Britto Ericsson / Blekinge Institute of Technology, João Felipe Pimentel , Igor Wiese Federal University of Technology, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Anita Sarma Oregon State University, Marco Gerosa Northern Arizona University
Journal Early-Feedback
Do Names Echo Semantics? A large-scale Study of Identifiers used in C++'s Named Casts
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Constantin Cezar Petrescu University of Surrey, Sam Smith , Rafail Giavrimis Turing Intelligence Technology, Santanu Dash University of Surrey, UK
Authorizer link