A Practical Approach for Dynamic Taint Tracking with Control-Flow Relationships
Dynamic taint tracking, a technique that traces relationships between values as a program executes, has been used to support a variety of software engineering tasks. Some taint tracking systems only consider data flows and ignore control flows. As a result, relationships between some values are not reflected by the analysis. Many applications of taint tracking either benefit from or rely on these relationships being traced, but past works have found that tracking control flows resulted in over-tainting, dramatically reducing the precision of the taint tracking system. In this article, we introduce Conflux, alternative semantics for propagating taint tags along control flows. Conflux aims to reduce over-tainting by decreasing the scope of control flows and providing a heuristic for reducing loop-related over-tainting. We created a Java implementation of Conflux and performed a case study exploring the effect of Conflux on a concrete application of taint tracking, automated debugging. In addition to this case study, we evaluated Conflux’s accuracy using a novel benchmark consisting of popular, real-world programs. We compared Conflux against existing taint propagation policies, including a state-of-the-art approach for reducing control-flow-related over-tainting, finding that Conflux had the highest F1 score on 43 out of the 48 total tests.
Thu 13 OctDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
13:30 - 15:30 | Technical Session 27 - Dynamic and Concolic AnalysisResearch Papers / NIER Track / Journal-first Papers at Banquet A Chair(s): ThanhVu Nguyen George Mason University | ||
13:30 20mResearch paper | LISSA: Lazy Initialization with Specialized Solver Aid Research Papers Juan Manuel Copia IMDEA Software Institute; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Pablo Ponzio Dept. of Computer Science FCEFQyN, University of Rio Cuarto, Nazareno Aguirre University of Rio Cuarto and CONICET, Argentina, Alessandra Gorla IMDEA Software Institute, Marcelo F. Frias Dept. of Software Engineering Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires | ||
13:50 10mVision and Emerging Results | Outcome-Preserving Input Reduction for Scientific Data Analysis Workflows NIER Track Anh Duc Vu Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Timo Kehrer University of Bern, Christos Tsigkanos University of Bern, Switzerland Pre-print | ||
14:00 20mResearch paper | SymFusion: Hybrid Instrumentation for Concolic Execution Research Papers Emilio Coppa Sapienza University of Rome, Heng Yin UC Riverside, Camil Demetrescu Sapienza University Rome Pre-print | ||
14:20 20mResearch paper | Scalable Sampling of Highly-Configurable Systems: Generating Random Instances of the Linux Kernel Research Papers David Fernandez-Amoros UNED, Ruben Heradio UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia), Christoph Mayr-Dorn JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITY LINZ, Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University Linz | ||
14:40 20mPaper | A Practical Approach for Dynamic Taint Tracking with Control-Flow RelationshipsVirtual Journal-first Papers Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
15:00 20mResearch paper | Prioritized Constraint-Aided Dynamic Partial-Order ReductionVirtual Research Papers Jie Su Xidian University, Cong Tian Xidian University, Zuchao Yang Xidian University, Jiyu Yang Xidian University, Bin Yu Xidian University, Zhenhua Duan Xidian University |