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Mon 10 Oct 2022 13:30 - 15:00 at Gold A - Identifier Naming

A precursor to many software maintenance tasks is program comprehension, where developers read the source code to understand the system’s behavior. Consuming a majority of this source code are identifier names, i.e., lexical tokens that uniquely identify entities in the code (such as classes, methods, variables, etc.). Hence, to assist with developer productivity and the quality of their work and thereby with software maintenance costs, it is imperative that identifier names are both readable and understandable. A strong or high-quality name is one that reflects its intended behavior. This tutorial provides an overview of the importance of identifier naming in source code and past research in this field. We also examine common identifier naming structures, best practices, and semantics through examples. More specifically, we introduce the attendees to the concept of naming evolution, grammar patterns, and linguistic anti-patterns. Additionally, we explore how readable names can be of poor quality by examining the context around the usage of terms in the name and their relationship to the surrounding code. Finally, we will also demonstrate tools that help developers with identifier name appraisals and recommendations.

Mon 10 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

13:30 - 15:00
Identifier NamingTutorials at Gold A
A Primer on High-Quality Identifier Naming
Anthony Peruma University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Christian D. Newman Rochester Institute of Technology
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