Larissa Chazette

Registered user since Wed 14 Jul 2021

Name:Larissa Chazette

I’m a requirements and software engineer based in Germany. I grew up in Brazil, where I got my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science. In 2016, I moved to Germany where I initially worked on a few research projects before formally starting my PhD in computer science at the end of 2018 in the Leibniz University Hannover. During my doctoral research, my main are of study was requirements engineering for explainable systems. Through an interdisciplinary approach, I explored the impact of explainability as a new quality requirement for modern information systems and provided theoretical and practical tools to support software engineering and explainable system requirements.

After my PhD, I decided to make a career move to the industry and I’m currently working as a Business and Product Analyst at the Volkswagen Group. My years in research have instilled in me a passion for pushing boundaries, and I’m dedicated to turning concepts into real solutions that address domain and context needs. I am very interested in the interplay between information systems and society and I consistently take this into account in my work. More particular, I focus on strategies for helping software engineers comprehend stakeholder requirements and translate them into high-quality solutions.

Affiliation:Volkswagen AG
Research interests:Explainability, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Ethics, Systems Engineering, User Experience, Human-Machine Interaction


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