RE@Next! PapersRequirements Engineering 2024
The RE@Next! track is a venue to present ongoing work that has generated early or preliminary results. The goal is to trigger new collaborations with like-minded colleagues and potential industrial partners and to receive early feedback which can help you to submit a full research paper to next year’s RE conference.This year, the track will also include vision papers to discuss novel visionary, disruptive, and through-provoking ideas.
Accepted Papers
Wed 26 JunDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
10:45 - 12:15 | Cyber-Physical SystemsIndustrial Innovation Papers / RE@Next! Papers / Research Papers at M104 Chair(s): Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Digital Process Twins for Interleaving Requirements Elicitation and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems RE@Next! Papers |
13:45 - 15:15 | ExplainabilityResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers at M101 Chair(s): Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology | ||
14:15 30mPaper | Explainability as a Requirement for Hardware: Introducing Explainable Hardware (XHW) RE@Next! Papers Timo Speith University of Bayreuth, Julian Speith Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP), Steffen Becker , Yixin Zou , Asia Biega , Christof Paar Link to publication DOI Pre-print |
15:45 - 17:45 | Education and CareerJournal-First / RE@Next! Papers at M104 Chair(s): Colin C. Venter University of Huddersfield | ||
16:15 30mPaper | GPT-Powered Elicitation Interview Script Generator for Requirements Engineering Training RE@Next! Papers Pre-print File Attached | ||
16:45 30mPaper | SwissREview: Mapping the Requirements Engineering Job Landscape RE@Next! Papers Anthea Moravánszky University of Szeged, Hungary; University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland File Attached |
15:45 - 17:45 | User-feedbackResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers at V101 Chair(s): Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology | ||
16:15 30mPaper | From Posts to Reqs and Back: Investigating Instagram's Potential in Supporting Requirements Engineers. An Empirical Study RE@Next! Papers Pre-print | ||
16:45 30mPaper | Towards Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering for Digital Farming (CrowdRE4DF) RE@Next! Papers Eduard C. Groen Fraunhofer IESE, Kazi Rezoanur Rahman , Nikita Narsinghani , Joerg Doerr Fraunhofer IESE Pre-print Media Attached File Attached |
15:45 - 17:45 | Responsible RequirementsRE@Next! Papers / Research Papers at V201 Chair(s): Jacek Dąbrowski Lero - the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software | ||
15:45 30mPaper | A Vision to Enhance Trust Requirements for Peer Support Systems by Revisiting Trust Theories RE@Next! Papers File Attached | ||
16:15 30mPaper | Uncovering Patterns of Users' Ethical Concerns about Software RE@Next! Papers Özge Karaçam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Tom P Humbert Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Emitzá Guzmán Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Pre-print |
Thu 27 JunDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
10:45 - 12:15 | SpecificationResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers at M104 Chair(s): Kurt Schneider Leibniz Universität Hannover, Software Engineering Group | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Using LLMs in Software Requirements Specifications: An Empirical Evaluation RE@Next! Papers Madhava Krishna , Bhagesh Gaur Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, Arsh Varma , Pankaj Jalote Pre-print |
10:45 - 12:15 | Requirements QualityRE@Next! Papers / Journal-First at V101 Chair(s): Martin Glinz University of Zurich | ||
11:15 30mPaper | Leveraging LLMs for the Quality Assurance of Software Requirements RE@Next! Papers Sebastian Lubos Graz University of Technology, Alexander Felfernig Graz University of Technology, Trang Tran Graz University of Technology, Damian Garber , Merfat El Mansi , Seda Polat Erdeniz , Viet-Man Le Graz University of Technology File Attached | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Measuring the Fitness-for-Purpose of Requirements: An initial Model of Activities and Attributes RE@Next! Papers Julian Frattini Blekinge Institute of Technology, Jannik Fischbach Netlight GmbH / fortiss GmbH, Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology, Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology and fortiss Pre-print Media Attached |
10:45 - 12:15 | Testing and Code GenerationRE@Next! Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers at V201 Chair(s): Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa | ||
11:15 30mPaper | Coupled Requirements-driven Testing of CPS: From Simulation To Reality RE@Next! Papers Ankit Agrawal Saint Louis University, Missouri, Philipp Zech , Michael Vierhauser University of Innsbruck Pre-print | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Requirements are All You Need: From Requirements to Code with LLMs RE@Next! Papers Bingyang Wei Texas Christian University Pre-print |
13:45 - 15:15 | Evaluation and Research visionRE@Next! Papers / Journal-First at M104 Chair(s): Alicia M. Grubb Smith College | ||
14:15 30mPaper | Requirements Engineering for Research Software: A Vision RE@Next! Papers Pre-print |
13:45 - 15:15 | User-centered REResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers at V101 Chair(s): Meira Levy Shenkar College of Engineering, Design, Art | ||
14:15 30mResearch preview | Comic-Based Morphological Box: Enhancing Vision Design – A Research Preview RE@Next! Papers Nedo Alexander Bartels Fraunhofer IESE, Bilgin Gültekin , Simon Andre Scherr Fraunhofer IESE, Stefanie Ludborzs , Sven Storck Fraunhofer IESE, Annika Zepp Pre-print File Attached | ||
14:45 30mPaper | Paving the Way Towards an Effective Vision Video Usage: An Exploratory Study RE@Next! Papers Lukas Nagel Leibniz University Hannover, Jakob Droste Leibniz Universität Hannover, Anne Hess Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt / Fraunhofer IESE, Kurt Schneider Leibniz Universität Hannover, Software Engineering Group |
Fri 28 JunDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
10:45 - 12:15 | |||
11:45 30mPaper | Rethinking Legal Compliance Automation: Opportunities with Large Language Models RE@Next! Papers Shabnam Hassani University of Ottawa, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa, Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, Jian Liao Pre-print |
10:45 - 12:15 | TraceabilityResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers at V201 Chair(s): Fatma Başak Aydemir Utrecht University | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Code Gradients: Automated Traceability of LLM-Generated Code RE@Next! Papers |
13:45 - 14:45 | User StoriesRE@Next! Papers / Research Papers at V201 Chair(s): Jens Bæk Jørgensen Mjølner Informatics | ||
14:15 30mPaper | Interlinking User Stories and GUI Prototyping: A Semi-Automatic LLM-based Approach RE@Next! Papers Kristian Kolthoff Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES), University Of Mannheim, Felix Kretzer human-centered systems Lab (h-lab), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) , Christian Bartelt , Alexander Maedche , Simone Paolo Ponzetto Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim Pre-print |
Call for Papers
RE is an ever-evolving field, and the community is always prolific in new disruptive ideas, possibilities of synergies with other disciplines, and ambitious research plans. The RE@Next! Track is the right place to share initial ideas that are not fully developed in terms of solutions or empirical evaluation as well as ground-breaking results that still need full validation. By collecting feedback from the RE attendees, the authors can develop their work further and present a full paper at the next RE conference or any other RE-relevant venue. RE@Next! is also the right place to share novel visionary, disruptive, and thought-provoking ideas that can trigger discussion at the conference and contribute to new research roadmaps.
RE@Next! 2024 publishes the following two types of papers:
Research Preview (between 5 and 7 pages plus one page for references): provide a novel research idea that is not fully developed in terms of solutions or empirical evaluation, or ground-breaking results that may still need full validation. A research preview should include research questions, envisioned methodology, a proof-of-concept or preliminary evaluation, a research plan, and potential risks and limitations.
Vision (between 5 and 7 pages plus one page for references): provide novel visionary, disruptive, and through-provoking ideas to trigger discussion at the conference, potentially creating a paradigm-shift in RE and novel long-term objectives. Vision paper can also raise awareness on novel and unexplored topics that are relevant to RE, at the boundary with other disciplines, including but not limited to psychology, sociology, philosophy, and all other life science and engineering disciplines.
Review Criteria
We have different review criteria that the authors should consider when preparing their submissions and which will be taken into account by the PC members when reviewing these papers. Each paper type has its own review criteria, presented in order of relevance.
Research Preview
Novelty is the proposal sufficiently novel with respect to the state-of-the-art? Do the authors discuss related work and clearly identify the gaps their contribution aims to fill?
Soundness of the Research Plan do the authors present a convincing research plan? Did the authors discuss the limitations and risks of their plan? Is the plan referring to sound research methods? Do the authors clarify their research questions, planned data collection, and data analysis? Did the authors perform a convincing proof-of-concept or some preliminary research steps?
Potential for Discussion will the presentation of the preview raise the interest of the RE audience? Will the preview lead to good discussion? Will the audience be able to provide useful feedback to the authors, given the typical background of the RE audience? Can the preview raise controversial opinions in the audience?
Presentation is the paper clearly presented? To what extent can the content of the paper be understood by the general RE public?
Novelty is the main idea of the vision sufficiently surprising, thought-provoking, or visionary? To what extent is the main idea exciting for a reader?
Ambition of the Idea is the scope of the idea sufficiently broad to change the state of RE or one of its sub-field (e.g., RE and modelling, NLP for RE, AI and RE)? To what extent is the idea creating synergies with other disciplines? Do the authors sketch a convincing and visionary roadmap for research? Will other authors embrace the vision?
Potential for Discussion is the idea sufficiently thought-provoking? will the presentation of the idea raise the interest of the RE audience? Will the idea raise discussion? Will the audience be able to provide useful feedback to the authors, given the typical background of the RE audience? Can the idea raise controversial opinions in the audience?
Presentation is the paper clearly presented? To what extent can the content of the paper be understood by the general RE public?
REFSQ-RE@Next! Transfer Model
This year, we are experimenting with a new transfer model between the REFSQ research paper track and RE@Next! to bring the conferences closer together. REFSQ submissions that are not yet deemed mature enough to be accepted for presentation at REFSQ but are considered promising as RE@Next! contributions will have the opportunity to participate in the transfer model.
In close collaboration between the PC co-chairs of the REFSQ research track and the RE@Next! track, this model will invite authors of selected submissions to revise their manuscripts and submit them to RE@Next! with a rebuttal of changes suggested by the chairs. Those submissions will then not undergo a regular review process but will be be evaluated by the chairs of both tracks.
Submission Instructions
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the RE’24 EasyChair system. Select the RE’24 RE@Next! Track for your submission.
In order to guide the reviewing process, all authors who intend to submit a paper must first submit the title and abstract. Abstracts should describe explicit coverage of context, objectives, methods, and results and conclusions, and should not exceed 200 words.
Papers must be between 5 and 7 pages for the main body, plus up to 1 additional page for the references. Submissions must be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE formatting instructions . Submissions must be double-blinded in conformance with the instructions below.
Please note: Papers that exceed the length specification, are not formatted correctly, or are not properly double-blinded will be desk-rejected without review. Only full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed. Abstract-only submissions will be discarded without further notice after the submission deadline. Accepted papers may require editing for clarity prior to publication and presentation. They will appear in the IEEE Digital Library.
Instructions for the Double-Blind Review Process
The RE’24 RE@Next! Track will use a double-blind reviewing process. The goal of double-blind reviewing is to ensure that the reviewers can read and review your paper without having to know who any of the authors are, and hence avoid related bias.
In order to prepare your submission for double-blind reviewing, please follow the instructions given below.
- Omit all names and affiliations of authors from the title page, but keep sufficient space to re-introduce them in the final version should the paper be accepted.
- Do not include any acknowledgements that might disclose your identity. Leave space in your submission to add such acknowledgements when the paper has been accepted.
- Refer to your own work in the third person, as you would normally do with the work of others. You should not change the names of your own tools, approaches, or systems, since this would clearly compromise the review process; it would also violate the constraint that “no change is made to any technical details of the work”. Instead, refer to the authorship or provenance of tools, approaches, or systems in the third person, so that it is credible that another author could have written your paper. In particular, never blind references.
- When providing supplementary material (e.g., tools, data repositories, source code, study protocols), do this via a website that does not disclose your identity.
- Adhere to instruction 3 when citing previously published own work.
- Remove identification metadata from the PDF file before submission (in Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can check their presence with File Properties, or Ctrl-D).
Important Policy Announcements
Papers submitted to the RE’24 RE@Next! Track must be original. They will be reviewed under the assumption that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been published nor submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for RE@Next!. RE’24 follows the IEEE policies for cases of double submission and plagiarism
Formatting instructions
The format of your paper must strictly adhere to the IEEEtran Proceedings Format. LaTeX users: please use the LaTeX class file IEEEtran v1.8 and the following configuration (without option ‘compsoc’ or ‘compsocconf’): \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}
Word users: please use this Word template. See the official IEEE Templates page for more information.
Please make sure that your submission:
- does not exceed the respective page limit specified in the track call
- is in PDF format,
- is in letter page size,
- does not have page numbers,
- has all fonts embedded in the PDF file,
- uses only scalable font types (like Type 1, TrueType) — bit-mapped font types (like Type 3) are not acceptable,
- has all figures embedded in vector graphics (if not possible, use a high-resolution bitmap format of at least 300 dpi; do not use JPG, but a lossless format like PNG or GIF),
- has all text in figures and tables large enough and readable when printed,
- has a caption for every figure or table,
- has the title and all headings properly capitalized
- has no orphans and widows (cf. Section Help), and
- does not use footnote references in the abstract.