Registered user since Thu 31 May 2018
Dr. Seok-Won Lee is currently a Chair and Full Professor in the Dept. of Software and Computer Engineering, and Dept. of Applied Artificial Intelligence and Dean of Graduate School of Software at Ajou University, Republic of Korea since 2012. Before his move to Korea, he was a faculty member in the Dept. of Information Systems & Cyber Security at the University of Texas at San Antonio, and in the Software and Information Systems at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. Prior to joining to the UNC Charlotte, he was a research staff at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC, Northern Virginia), IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (Hawthorn Lab, New York). His areas of specialization include software engineering with specific expertise in ontological requirements engineering and domain modeling, and knowledge engineering with specific expertise in knowledge acquisition, machine learning and knowledge-based systems, and software information assurance.
Knowledge-intensive Software Engineering (NiSE) lab: http://www.machinediscovery.com
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