Fri 28 Jun 2024 10:45 - 11:30 at V101 - Unpanel, poster pitches, and artifacts

Led by Daniel Berry

Berry will explain how early applications of formal verification to software development led him and others to identify requirements engineering as essential. The subsequent interaction between formal methods in software development and requirements engineering leads to the provocative question of the very usefulness of formal methods in requirements engineering. Berry will then invite member of the audience to offer their answers to the question.

How useful are formal methods in requirements engineering? (presentation slides) (UnpanelSlides.pdf)886KiB

Daniel M. Berry got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Brown University in 1974. He was on the faculty of the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA from 1972 until 1987. He was in the Computer Science Faculty at the Technion, Israel from 1987 until 1999. From 1990 until 1994, he worked for half of each year at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, where he was part of a group that built CMU’s Master of Software Engineering program. During the 1998-1999 academic year, he visited the Computer Systems Group at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. In 1999, Berry moved to what is now the Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. Between 2008 and 2013, Berry held an Industrial Research Chair in Requirements Engineering sponsored by Scotia Bank and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Berry’s current research interests are software engineering in general, and requirements engineering and electronic publishing in the specific.

Fri 28 Jun

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10:45 - 12:15
Unpanel, poster pitches, and artifactsPanels / Posters and Tool Demos / Artifacts at V101
Unpanel: How useful are formal methods in requirements engineering?
Dan Berry University of Waterloo
File Attached
Scoping of Non-Functional Requirements for Machine Learning Systems
Posters and Tool Demos
Khan Mohammad Habibullah University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Juan García Díaz , Gregory Gay Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg
A Tool for Automatically Identifying Semantic Conflicts in User Stories by Combining NLP and BERT Model
Posters and Tool Demos
Zhen Xuan , Tianci Wang , Chunhui Wang , Tong Li Beijing University of Technology
Automated Configuration Synthesis for Machine Learning Models: A git-Based Requirement and Architecture Management System
Posters and Tool Demos
Abdullatif Alshriaf , Hans-Martin Heyn University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of Technology, Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Automating Requirements Review in the Automotive Sector: A Tailored AI Approach
Posters and Tool Demos
Cristina Martinez Montes Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sivajeet Chand Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Chang Li , Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel University of Gothenburg
Explainable AI: A Diverse Stakeholder Perspective
Posters and Tool Demos
Umm e Habiba University of Stuttgart, Germany, Khan Mohammad Habibullah University of Gothenburg, Sweden
SymboleoNLP: A Tool for Generating Formal Specifications from Legal Contract Templates
Posters and Tool Demos
Regan Meloche University of Ottawa, Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, John Mylopoulos University of Ottawa
KG-EmpiRE: A Community-Maintainable Knowledge Graph for a Sustainable Literature Review on the State and Evolution of Empirical Research in Requirements Engineering
Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
Pre-print Media Attached

Information for Participants
Fri 28 Jun 2024 10:45 - 12:15 at V101 - Unpanel, poster pitches, and artifacts
Info for session

This session will contain the Unpanel on formal methods in RE, pitches of the Posters and Tool Demos, and a short presentation from one artifact not associated with any RE24 paper.