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Wed 12 Oct 2022 11:20 - 11:40 at Ballroom C East - Technical Session 9 - Security and Privacy Chair(s): Wei Yang

Several studies have shown that automated support for different activities of the security patch management process has great potential for reducing delays in installing security patches. However, it is also important to understand how automation is used in practice, its limitations in meeting real-world needs and what practitioners really need, an area that has not been empirically investigated in the existing software engineering literature. This paper reports an empirical study aimed at investigating different aspects of automation for security patch management using semi-structured interviews with 17 practitioners from three different organisations in the healthcare domain. The findings are focused on the role of automation in security patch management for providing insights into the as-is state of the automation in practice, the limitations of current automation, how automation support can be enhanced to effectively meet practitioners’ needs, and the role of the human in an automated process. Based on the findings, we have derived a set of recommendations for directing future efforts aimed at developing automated support for security patch management.

Wed 12 Oct

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10:00 - 12:00
Technical Session 9 - Security and Privacy Research Papers / Industry Showcase at Ballroom C East
Chair(s): Wei Yang University of Texas at Dallas
Research paper
Keeping Secrets: Multi-objective Genetic Improvement for Detecting and Reducing Information Leakage
Research Papers
Ibrahim Mesecan Iowa State University, Daniel Blackwell University College London, David Clark University College London, Myra Cohen Iowa State University, Justyna Petke University College London
Research paper
ThirdEye: Attention Maps for Safe Autonomous Driving Systems
Research Papers
Andrea Stocco UniversitĂ  della Svizzera italiana (USI), Paulo J. Nunes Federal University of Pernambuco, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco, Paolo Tonella USI Lugano
DOI Pre-print
Industry talk
Finding Property Violations through Network Falsification: Challenges, Adaptations and Lessons Learned from OpenPilot
Industry Showcase
Meriel von Stein University of Virginia, Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia
Research paper
Scrutinizing Privacy Policy Compliance of Virtual Personal Assistant Apps
Research Papers
Fuman Xie University of Queensland, Yanjun Zhang University of Queensland, Chuan Yan University of Queensland, Suwan Li Nanjing University, Lei Bu Nanjing University, Kai Chen SKLOIS, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Zi Huang University of Queensland, Guangdong Bai University of Queensland
Research paper
An Empirical Study of Automation in Software Security Patch Management
Research Papers
Nesara Dissanayake University of Adelaide, Asangi Jayatilaka University of Adelaide, Mansooreh Zahedi The Univeristy of Melbourne, Muhammad Ali Babar University of Adelaide
Research paper
Are They Toeing the Line? Diagnosing Privacy Compliance Violations among Browser Extensions
Research Papers
Yuxi Ling National University of Singapore, Kailong Wang National University of Singapore, Guangdong Bai University of Queensland, Haoyu Wang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Jin Song Dong National University of Singapore